Mar 05
Glorious Freedom! Sunday Hope 05/32/203 Mark 5a
“For He said to him, “Come out of the man, unclean spirit!” (v. 8)
* Evil penetrates human hearts. The gruesome details in a recent Hong Kong news are even more horrific than Stephen King’s horror fictions! The Biblical story of a man from Gadarenes exposes the reason behind the sickening acts and tragedy. Possibly they are caused by the demons and evil spirits. Possibly the human heart is manipulated by satanic thoughts and forces. There is no hope of rescue, except in the visit of Christ.
Mark 5:1-20
* Rainy days. Sunny days. (晴天雨天). Fluttering and fallen leaves. Joy and sadness. God’s love and promise is ever-present. A heart-warming Cantonese song.
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Mar 04
Who can This be? – Ark Channel 04/03/2023 Sat Mark 4b
Then he arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still.” (v39)
* Windstorms are testing ground for our faith. Our LORD said he would cross over with us to the other side of the sea. Would he say it in vain?
Mark 4:21-41
* “My calling spurs me on. The LORD’s grace rekindles me“. Missionaries fuel many with their life testimonies. This world is our mission field. It is not our home. We will return home when our mission is completed. Our LORD has not called us home yet, so let us diligently work our part. (Message by Albertina Wong / 黃劉雅璧. Read the full Chinese message in CCM Proclaim).
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Mar 03
Stand out and be devoted! – Ark Channel 03/03/2023 Fri Mark 4a
But other seed fell on good ground… (v8)
* Working hard in the Lord is never in vain. Negative examples around us are common, but some still truly understand the Lord’s way and grow firmly. Why be discouraged?
Mark 4:1-20
* Godspell – Based on the Gospel of Matthew, the famous Broadway musical will be performed in Cantonese at the Grand Hall in Sha Tin, Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan from 24/3 to 9/4. Ponder life in a joyful atmosphere, and invite your young gospel friends. For more information, please visit arkchannel sharing.
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Mar 02
Take Action! Stop Complaining! – Ark Channel 02/03/2023 Thu Mark 3b
Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother. (v.35)
* What is the will of God? It is for us to be sanctified, always rejoice, continually praying, thankful, and living Him out! There are 18 miracles in the Gospel of Mark, full of action and service to others!
Mark 3:20-35
* Pastor Fernando (Sri Lanka) preached at Welch College in Tennessee on March 3rd and visited the church to complete his writing. He is concerned about the family life of Christians and asks everyone to pray for his service journey.
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Mar 01
Christians Show Gratitude! Ark Channel 01/03/2023 Wed Mark 3a
For He healed many… (v10)
* The Lord seized the time to help the needy while not forgetting to build the team and develop talents. His presence and authority is our greatest resource!
Mark 3:1-19
* George W Carver, an educator, agricultural chemist, and botanist, developed more than 300 by-products from groundnuts and peanuts, such as dyes, medicines, milk powder, and fertilizers. His expertise in soil use and plant pests and diseases brought great innovations to the American economy. He lived a simple life and his favorite scripture was Proverb 3:6: In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
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Feb 28
Drink From The Living Fountain! Ark Channel 28/02/2023 Tue Mark 2b
Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath. (v28)
* According to WHO statistics, the global sleep disorder rate has reached 27%. Sleep is not easy, but rest is even harder. The God of Creation wants us to submit into His powerful hands and return to Him in rest. The Lord of Resurrection is a leader who comforts, a guardian in the darkness of the night, removing all fear.
Mark 2:13-28
* Bono & Eugene Peterson | THE PSALMS
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Feb 27
Came To Him! 27/02/2023 Mon Mark 2a
When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” (v5)
* With faith comes action, with love comes compelling obligation and together we can bring people to the Lord. Those who come to the Lord, He will never forsake. Rest assured!
Mark 2:1-12
* The recent revival gathering at Asbury University was of interest to many. The two-week-long spiritual gathering has ended, and we pray that God’s work will continue.
9 Things You Should Know About Revivals in America
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Feb 26
Busy Not Hurried. Quiet Reflection! Sunday Hope 26/02/2023 Mark 1b
And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons. (v39)
* How to achieve excellence and efficiency? Jesus has a busy schedule: recruitment of disciples, training, casting out demons, healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, meeting the crowds, teaching and instructing. He is busy but never in a hurry. Mark highlighted He went to a solitary place in the morning and prayed there – the fountain of our strength!
Mark 1:21-45
* A Korean song of God’s overflowing grace: The Blessing (Korea Christian Mission Museum/ DongRae Jeil Presbyterian Church)
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Feb 25
Diligent Service with No Regret! – Ark Channel 25/02/2023 Sat Mark 1a
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (v1)
* See the credentials of our Lord. Isaiah and Malachi prophesied about His coming. John the Baptist announced His work. Our Father God and the Holy Spirit commend Him. Satan cannot overcome Him. He is our trustworthy Saviour!
Mark 1:1-10
* A Cantonese podcast interview with Dr Winnie CHEUK WONG Wing-Sze (Dr Win Win)/ 卓王詠詩博士 who shared her insight of games, education and fun in Child Development
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Feb 24
Peace be with you! – Ark Channel 240223 Fri Matthew 28
…for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. (v5)
* He is not here! The Lord experienced the grave, but that was not His final destination, for He was resurrected and left it! He will not disappoint anyone who earnestly seeks Him,
Matthew 28
* Peaceful courage | Jeremy Lin 2023
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Feb 23
Highest integrity, utmost loyalty! – Ark Channel 230223 Thu Matthew 27b
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (v.46)
* People thought that Christ was powerless and suffered a cruel death. But He took our sins upon Himself, was stripped of His clothes, His bones were not broken, He was buried in a rich man’s tomb, and thirty pieces of silver were paid for Him…all to fulfill the prophecy of the Messiah in the Old Testament!
Matthew 27:32-66
* N. T. Wright’s – A Conversation on Broken Signposts: How Christianity Makes Sense of the World
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Feb 22
Are You King Of The Jews? Ark Channel 22/02/2023 Wed Matthew 27a
And when they had bound Him, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor. (v2)
* Pilate was the head of the Roman Empire’s administration in Judea from 26 to 36 A.D. He was stubborn and ruthless. Rome controlled the world, and Judea had only a small amount of autonomy. The crowd was in a fury against Jesus and a sentence on Him was inevitable. However, the world power was unpredictable and Pilate, who had been in power for a while, soon disappeared from the stage of history.
Matthew 27:1-31
* We are sojourners in this world, temporarily living in tents. How did the ancient tents of the Bible look like?
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Feb 21
Relationship Normalized; New Season! Ark Channel 21/02/2023 Tue Matthew 26c
And Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” So he went out and wept bitterly. (v75)
* Men inevitably stumble. When the rooster crows in the darkness, O Lord, remind me of your words, so I can truly repent.
Matthew 26:47-75
* He had a kidney transplant not long ago, and his heart said – “I woke up this morning, it was dark outside. Soon after, the sky began to turn white, the darkness receded, and light returned to the earth. I thought of Satan’s rampage in the world today, but the Lord will return and bring in a new heaven and a new earth. Because of this glorious hope, whether sickness or hardship, peace or prosperity becomes the goal of our life on earth and a glorious testimony for the Lord. Thank you Lord! May the Lord come soon, Amen!
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Feb 20
Your Will Be Done! 20/02/2023 Mon Matthew 26b
But Jesus said to him, “Friend, why have you come?” Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and took Him. (v50)
* Jesus is the friend of tax collectors and sinners. In the midst of a crisis, He still called the rebel who harmed Him a friend! Is that sarcasm? It is unchanging love!
Matthew 26:26-46
* At last count, the most searched scripture worldwide is still John 3:16. Nicodemus was the first to hear it, and I pray that our families will hear it too!
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Feb 19
Found by Jesus and Filled with Joy! Sunday Hope 190223 Matthew 26a
A woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. (v7)
* It is easier to enjoy comfort together, rather than to suffer discomfort. When following Jesus seems a bleak future, there are still some pouring out themselves for Him, to give Him love and glory! Perhaps someday we will be awakened to see that our investment on everything other than Jesus is a waste.
Matthew 26:1-25
* I’d like to share with you this uplifting, pleasant and soothing song I heard in a memorial service:在主手裏(Embraced by Jesus).
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Feb 18
You Will Reap What You Sow! – Ark Channel 180223 Sat Matthew 25b
…Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: (v34)
* Hunger and thirst. Stranger on a journey. Naked without clothes. Sickness. Imprisonment. All these describe the miseries and misfortunes experienced by Christians and Israel. Indeed we are in the same boat. If we truly love our LORD, we will care for our brothers and the weak.
Matthew 25:31-46
* At 2030, the global population of 60-year-old and above will rise to 1.4 billion. It is to our benefit to listen to this lecture on geropsychology. 老年心理/【一席】 (Talk series by Professor PENG Huamau /彭華茂教授, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University)
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Feb 17
“Don’t be discouraged, look to God!” – Ark Channel 17/02/2023 Fri Matthew 25a
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came… (v.10)
* How can we be “prepared”, having bought enough oil? We are not passively waiting for the Bridegroom, lying idle, but living with the Holy Spirit in life, relying on God’s word, making use of the opportunities and blessings God has given us, and faithfully working.
Matthew 25:1-30
* Book recommendation: Pastor Bryan Chapell, author of ‘Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon’, has been included in the syllabus of various seminaries. It is worth reading; we look forward to the revival of pulpits all over the world! (Pastor Chapell is the morning speaker of the HK Bible Conference in August this year).
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Feb 16
Care about my anguish, Forgive my transgressions! – Ark Channel 16/02/2023 Thu Matthew 24ca
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. (v35)
1. The Lord foretold the destruction of the holy temple and holy city.
2. He also foretold the process of His coming again after ascending to heaven.
3. The Lord further warned of the coexistence of good and evil, disasters and the anticipation of His coming.
4. He also admonished us to be faithful and wise servants.
Matthew 24:29-51
* There are songs about the story of pressing olives for oil, likened to our experiencing God in adversity and hardship. So how did the ancients press olive oil? /in Chinese
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Feb 15
Beginning Of Sorrows! Ark Channel 15/02/2023 Wed Matthew 24a
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. (v7)
* Who can endure to the end? Evil things have become so common that even shootings don’t make the headlines anymore. People are turning cold! Pay attention to what the Lord has told us, to keep yourself in the love of God! (Jude 21)
Matthew 24:1-28
* It is with deep sorrow that we announce the home going of Manel Sherrard, wife of the founder of Youth for Christ Sri Lanka, Sam Sherrard, after a battle with cancer.
We are so grateful to God for the sacrificial part she played in laying the foundations of our ministry. I am particularly grateful for the advice she gave my wife Nelun shortly after she committed her life to Christ.
And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” (Rev. 14:13). ~Ajith Fernando Teaching Director ,Youth for Christ Sri Lanka
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Feb 14
First Cleanse The Inside! Ark Channel 14/02/2023 Tue Matthew 23b
…How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! (v37)
* A corrupt and lifeless religion makes the Lord sorrowful. The Lord wants us to repent, to be consistent inside out and to serve Him with clean hands and pure heart, not for fame or fortune! Such people He will call and embrace.
Matthew 23:23-39
* In modern history, the Church has made many contributions to education in China: around 1875, about 350 schools were established by missionaries; 19 universities were established in the 1930s…and the wave of study abroad in China began in Church schools, with far-reaching effects.
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Feb 13
Support And Connect To Each Other! 13/02/2023 Mon Matthew 23a
…you are all brethren. (v8)
* Christ alone is our Master and Teacher. All of God’s people are equal and are brothers. He who regards himself a spiritual authority tends to inflate himself and eventually falls! Leaders are also servants, our Lord was once a carpenter!
Matthew 23:1-22
* A friend testified that when he was young, he had a confrontation with a friend at the airport and wanted to hit him but his father grabbed him by the hand and said, “Dad may not be a Christian, but he’s nicer than you.” This remark caused him to reflect on himself; he later apologised to all his family members. His father said to his wife: “My son has really changed… I know the Jesus he believes is real because previously he would never have done such a thing.”
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Feb 12
In the Resurrection… – Sunday Hope 120223 Matthew 22b
… God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. (v. 32)
* Jesus mentions God, angels, resurrection, judgment, eternal life. All these are real in his eyes. Do we share the same faith with Jesus?
* Our Lord’s grace never changes as years go by. Enjoy this splendid gospel song, in Cantonese opera style: Heart at Leisure Delight, by Herbert Law (閒情逸趣悅心靈/羅厚德, Judy To/杜慜)
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Feb 11
Invite All to the Wedding! – Ark Channel 11/02/2023 Sat Matthew 22a
Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding. (v9)
* The rejected Christ will reign in glory after His resurrection! He is the bridegroom. He is still inviting all to his wedding. Observe the dress code and put on our robe of righteousness, a garment given by him!
Matthew 22:1-22
* A Christian couple joyfully used by God. Get inspired and enjoy the sharing from their hearts about the wonderful journey of ministry and marriage. A Conversation with Mr. & Mrs. Wolgemuth
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Feb 10
Time to harvest fruit is near! – Ark Channel 10/02/2023 Fri Matthew 21b
…the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes… (v.42)
* Christ is our cornerstone, our foundation, and our firm support. If our faith is built on favorable circumstances, human relationships, or spiritual shepherds, when things change our faith will collapse! If we build our lives on Jesus, nothing can disappoint us.
Matthew 21:1-22
* Book recommendation: “When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box” by John Ortberg. Ortberg reminds us that in the end, fame and fortune will all be gone, but our souls and our love for Christ and our neighbors will remain. John skillfully uses everyday events to remind us that God cares more about who we become than what we do for Him.
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Feb 09
Loose them and bring them to Me! Ark Channel 09/02/2023 Thu Matthew 21a
…you shall say, ‘The Lord has need of them… (v3)
* The first time Jesus came, He humbly rode on a donkey and reigned in the hearts of those who loved Him. The second time Jesus comes, He will ride on a white horse to execute judgment (Revelation 19:11). Glory is coming!
Matthew 21:1-22
* Mike’s Adventure (4) – Starting from a warehouse clerk in the UK, slowly customers from before started to give me business, bringing in income and making the family safe. Now every day I can watch my son come home from school, it’s really a joy (no need to stay up late to watch football, it’s my only entertainment). Now in my area there are church gatherings and positions in which to serve, thank God!’
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Feb 08
Kneel Down To Ask! Ark Channel 08/02/2023 Wed Matthew 20b
And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave (v27)
* The more a heavenly leader can call the shots, the more he is willing to give up his freedom and rights to serve others. Submit to others with respect and love, for this is the example Christ set!
Matthew 20:17-34
* Ajiazeera TV reports: Major Earthquake in Turkey. Pray for the rescue efforts and victims.
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