We are Sojourners on Earth! – Sunday Hope_19/02/2023 (Matthew 26)

Matthew, Sunday Hope Add comments

Found by Jesus and Filled with Joy! Sunday Hope 190223 Matthew 26a

A woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. (v7)

* It is easier to enjoy comfort together, rather than to suffer discomfort. When following Jesus seems a bleak future, there are still some pouring out themselves for Him, to give Him love and glory! Perhaps someday we will be awakened to see that our investment on everything other than Jesus is a waste.

Matthew 26:1-25

* I’d like to share with you this uplifting, pleasant and soothing song I heard in a memorial service:在主手裏(Embraced by Jesus).

* arkchannel – copyright *

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