Who Owns the Vineyard? – Sunday Hope_19/03/2023

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Ingratitude is Part of Human Nature! Sunday Hope 19/03/2023 Mark 12a

… He will …give the vineyard to others. (v9)

* God trusts His vineyard to a fruit-bearing community. We are a holy nation, and God’s own special people (I Peter 2:9). We have been entrusted with God’s kingdom. Are we faithful stewards? Would God’s stewards fail Him?

Mark 12:1-17

* 但非我,乃心中基督 Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me. (Song lyrics translated in Chinese, Toronto Christian Community Church.)

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Pray in the Wilderness! – Sunday Hope_26/02/2023 (Mark 1)

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Busy Not Hurried. Quiet Reflection! Sunday Hope 26/02/2023 Mark 1b

And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons. (v39)

* How to achieve excellence and efficiency? Jesus has a busy schedule: recruitment of disciples, training, casting out demons, healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, meeting the crowds, teaching and instructing. He is busy but never in a hurry. Mark highlighted He went to a solitary place in the morning and prayed there – the fountain of our strength!

Mark 1:21-45

* A Korean song of God’s overflowing grace: The Blessing (Korea Christian Mission Museum/ DongRae Jeil Presbyterian Church)

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Watch With Me!

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Your Will Be Done! 20/02/2023 Mon Matthew 26b

But Jesus said to him, “Friend, why have you come?” Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and took Him. (v50)

* Jesus is the friend of tax collectors and sinners. In the midst of a crisis, He still called the rebel who harmed Him a friend! Is that sarcasm? It is unchanging love!

Matthew 26:26-46

* At last count, the most searched scripture worldwide is still John 3:16. Nicodemus was the first to hear it, and I pray that our families will hear it too!

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We are Sojourners on Earth! – Sunday Hope_19/02/2023 (Matthew 26)

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Found by Jesus and Filled with Joy! Sunday Hope 190223 Matthew 26a

A woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table. (v7)

* It is easier to enjoy comfort together, rather than to suffer discomfort. When following Jesus seems a bleak future, there are still some pouring out themselves for Him, to give Him love and glory! Perhaps someday we will be awakened to see that our investment on everything other than Jesus is a waste.

Matthew 26:1-25

* I’d like to share with you this uplifting, pleasant and soothing song I heard in a memorial service:在主手裏(Embraced by Jesus).

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Live Your Life to the Fullest! Sunday Hope_12/02/2023

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In the Resurrection… – Sunday Hope 120223 Matthew 22b

… God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. (v. 32)

* Jesus mentions God, angels, resurrection, judgment, eternal life. All these are real in his eyes. Do we share the same faith with Jesus?

* Our Lord’s grace never changes as years go by. Enjoy this splendid gospel song, in Cantonese opera style: Heart at Leisure Delight, by Herbert Law (閒情逸趣悅心靈/羅厚德, Judy To/杜慜)

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With God All Things Are Possible! – Sunday Hope_05/02/2023

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And Love Others As Yourself! Sunday Hope 05/02/2023 Matthew 19a

Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray,… (v13)

* We can still see the goodness of God overflowing from Jesus even during his final earthly journey. He strengthened the marital relationship of husband and wife. He cared for the growth of children. He further alarmed people about a vacuum in their hearts — their need for the ever-living God.

Matthew 19:1-13

* A sweet song: The Steadfast Love of The Lord

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Simplicity and Perseverance! – Sunday Hope_29/01/2023 (Matthew 15)

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God Remembers You – Sunday Hope 29/01/2023 Matthew 15b

So they all ate and were filled…. (v37)

* Jesus has done what can only be done by Him – creating miracles. But He leaves us to do what can be done by us – distributing food. We are co-working with God. We must not slack off!

Matthew 15:21-39

* 蔭庇我們 (The Lord will be Our Protector). Day and night, God the Most High protects His people who dwell in His secret place. (Music production by One Circle)

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Heavenly Blessings and Grace Abounding! Sunday Hope_22/01/2023

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Sufficient to have Wellness and Peace – Sunday Hope 22/01/2023 Matthew 12a

I desire mercy and not sacrifice…. (v7)

* God delights in us when we express His disposition from within (more than our observing religious doctrines outside). He desires us to do unto others as He does unto us. Have a little more compassion. Enjoy a little more rest.

Matthew 12:1-32

* Preach Jesus with all kinds of wisdom! Gospel Songs in traditional Cantonese opera style, volume 6 (《粵韻福音歌集》) is published and available for sale at Logos Book House. All profits will be for evangelistic use. Good to send it as a gift to loved ones and friends, and share with them in the blessings of gospel. Wish you a joyful and peaceful Spring Festival with your family. (Judy / 敏華(杜慜), USA) (A Chinese article on 向家人傳福音的祕訣)

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Be Still and Obey Him! Sunday Hope_15/01/2023

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Run in the Eternal Path with Gratitude! Sunday Hope 15/01/2023 Matthew 8b

So the men marveled, saying “Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?” (v27)

* Our gracious Lord never rebukes us for disturbing His peace with our prayers, But He rebukes us for losing our own peace because of our timidity!

Matthew 8:18-34

* A classic hymn sung with a modern heart, as the sound of many waters “Holy, Holy, Holy” — Singing at Together for the Gospel

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Preserver and Fresh Keeper! – Sunday Hope_08/01/2023

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Blessed Are the Peace-Makers! Sunday Hope 08/01/2023 Matthew 5a

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (v8)

* The Beatitudes introduce the eternal Kingdom Constitution and manifest the supremacy of Christ our King. What is man to compare with Him!

Matthew 5:1-20

* Direct my way, for You accompany me all my life…. , May You Listen to My Prayers Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry Official MV(請聽我傾訴)

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Behold, God is Opening a Way! – Sunday Hope_01/01/2023 (Matthew 1)

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New Year, New Creation, New Spirit! Sunday Hope 0/10/20123 Matthew 1a

“… and they shall call His name Immanuel.” (v. 23)

* Matthew, a finance expert, used to be the chief tax collector in the Province of Judea under Roman rule. With a down-to-earth writing style, he penned the great events of Jesus. He also demonstrated how to manage our daily living under God’s brand new plan. The secret lies in “God with us” (v.23) !

Matthew 1:1-17

* A well-wishing song for the new year: Longing for the day, when I see your face 新耶路撒冷New Jerusalem

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We Are Truly God’s Children! – Sunday Hope_04/12/2022 (1 John 3)

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We Shall Be Like Him When He is Revealed – Sunday Hope 041222 I John 3

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (v16)

* Three characteristics of God’s children: they are like God; they love their fellow Christians (v. 1-17); they have confidence toward God and people (v. 18-24)

1John 3

*Praise Dance: Do Not Worry

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Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment! – Sunday Hope_20/11/2022

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Oh, what is Faith without Works? – Sunday Hope 20/11/2022 James 2

… and he was called the friend of God (v23)

* James mentioned Abraham and Rahab as models of faith. Abraham responded to God by works of obedience. Three times he was described in the Bible as the friend of God. By her work of rescue of two spies, Rahab was chosen by God to be a woman ancestor in the genealogy of Christ.

James 2:1-26

* Vocal ensemble of T4G (Together for the Gospel) Live II Behold Our God

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Perfect God’s Way Relieves & Counsels! Sunday Hope_23/10/2022

Sunday Hope, Timothy 1 No Comments »

A Good Steward Who Cares for Home! Sunday Hope 23/10/2022 1 Timothy 3

but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. (v9)

* Whether new believers or seasoned pastors, God ceases not in shaping them. Through our conduct, family, marriage, children and men of the world can witness the vitality brought by faith – there is God who is really among us!

1 Timothy 3

* Give them all to Jesus

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Try a Little Kindness and Experience Joy! – Sunday Hope_16/10/2022

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Disappointed But Not in Despair! – Sunday Hope 16/10/2022 I Thessalonians 4

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. (v14)

* Persist in three pursuits before the Lord’s return: Pursuit of holiness (4:1-8); pursuit of brotherly love in a proper manner (4:9-12), pursuit of hope of resurrection (4:13-18)!

1 Thessalonians 4:1-18

* Only those who are well aware of their inner darkness will thirst for the illumination of true light, and they will say “Lord, I am coming to You…” as in this Chinese song: Coming to God Just As I Am(照我真的本相)

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Show Grace and Forgive One Another! – Sunday Hope_02/10/2022

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Do Our Work and Help Each Other! – Sunday Hope 021022 Ephesians 4

With all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (v2-3)

* The higher our revelation, the stronger our gifts, the greater our ministry, the more information we have…the more humble we should be! Avoid three kinds of speeches: lies (4:25), corrupt words (4:29), and evil speaking (4:31). Such speeches will destroy the church of God. Don’t do harm to what has been built up by God!

Ephesians 4:1-32

* A reviving and soothing song, original lyrics in Chinese What’s There in My Heart(誰可知內心)

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Abound in Every Good Work! – Sunday Hope_18/09/2022

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Sow Bountifully, Reap Bountifully! – Sunday Hope 180922 II Corinthians 9

… He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever. (v9)

* A heart to love is a natural overflow of life, not a compliance commandment. Be a cheerful giver and supply each other, not out of obligation. Supplying fellow Christians is an evidence of our mutual care as members of the Body of Christ. Financial support for one another is a common index of to measure our spiritual life.

2Corithians 9:1-15

* A beautiful hymn in Irish folk tune, with lyrics composed by Dallan Forgaill in the 5th century.

Be Thou My Vision(祢是我一切)

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Reaffirm Your Love! – Sunday Hope_11/09/2022

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Triumphal Procession Led by God! – Sunday Hope 11/09/2022 2 Co 2

For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. (v15)

* Submit to God’s sovereignty. Renounce self-will. Follow Christ with our whole heart when He leads. Only then our aroma will diffuse, and our life will make an impact.

2Corithians 2:1-17

* The world is too full of noises. Why don’t we quiet down and listen to the heavenly sound

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Love Keeps No Records of Wrongs! – Sunday Hope_04/09/2022

Corinthians 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Say Jesus is Lord by the Holy Spirit! – Sunday Hope 04/09/2022 I Co 13:1-13

… does not seek its own, is not provoked, … (v5)

* We have two windows to express love. One is giving. Another is gratitude. In the ebbs and flows of life, always give so love flows out from us, and be grateful to experience blessedness. This is the fruit of the Cross.

1Corithians 13:1-13

* The lyrics read: Years and months fly by as lightning. Yet Your hands have never left me. You Know Me Deeply(如此認識我)

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Honour Your Marriage! – Sunday Hope_28/08/2022

Corinthians 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Pure and Same in Heart! – Sunday Hope 28/08/2022 I Co 7a

… But God has called us to peace. (v15)

* Asceticism in restraining yourself is not equal to godliness. Those who are married must love and respect their spouse, using their own gift from God. This will be their testimony for God and also a protection against lustful passion (v. 2-7). Following the Lord’s teaching, the apostle Paul did not approve of divorce.

1Corithians 7:1-16

* Pouring out my life. Singing from my heart: I love you Lord/「我愛袮,主」

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Establish You! – Sunday Hope_21/08/2022 (Romans 16)

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The Only Wise God! – Sunday Hope 21/08/2022 Romans 16

Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. (v17)

* The Book of Romans alerts us to beware of divisive and inflammatory people. Nevertheless, the author lists out names whose beautiful examples and good work are worthy of remembrance. When the ministry teams in church can walk together in one heart, the world will be changed!

Romans 16:1-27

* A hymn taking us back to the simplicity of Biblical truth. Jesus, Reduce Me to Love(願我成為愛)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Shining through Light and Darkness! – Sunday Hope_14/08/2022

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He is Love, He is Truth ! – Ark Channel 14/08/2022 Sunday Hope Romans 9

“… I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” (v15)

* “Sovereignty of God” is the theme of Romans Chapter 9. God of Most High is supreme and forever sovereign. He has authority over heaven and earth. He destines the rise and fall of human nations. He rules over you and me – our paths, our good and bad days are all in His hand (Psalm 41:15). Do we respect God’s sovereignty today?

Romans 9:1-33

* Let us find shelter under the shadow of His wings and walk on boldly. Listen to this song, and mediate its lyrics:

Your Knowledge of Me(如此認識我), inspired by Psalm 139, Cantonese production by The Heralders

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The Righteousness of God is Revealed! – Sunday Hope_07/08/2022 (Romans 3)

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They Know Not the Way of Peace! – Ark Channel 07/08/2022 Sunday Hope Romans 3

… being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, (v. 24)

* We are all condemned beyond our own control. Nevertheless, God’s salvation for us is lawful and reasonable, because the one who judges has become our Saviour!

Romans 3:1-31

* The Economist has published a survey on the most liveable cities in 2022, Vienna coming on top of the ranking, followed by Copenhagen, and then Zurich. Yet we have a better home, as described in this song:arkchannel hymns

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Live at Peace with Everyone! – Sunday Hope_31/07/2022 (Acts 25)

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Jesus is Still Alive! – Ark Channel 31/07/2022 Sunday Hope Acts 25

… and about a certain Jesus, who had died, whom Paul affirmed to be alive. (v19)

* God’s ways are higher than men’s ways. Paul was resolute to proclaim Jesus Christ, in whom he believed. O Lord, once again we trust you with our future. May You keep us, Lord!

Acts 25

* When we watch quietly each morning dawn, we will still sing Redeem Me(復興我from Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry)

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Rebuild and Set Up God’s Tabernacle! – Sunday Hope_17/07/2022 (Acts 15)

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Silently Waiting for God! – Ark Channel 170722 Sunday Hope Acts 15a

…through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved….” (v. 11)

* Salvation comes by grace through faith! Don’t pressurise others to follow our way of living and our habits. Don’t force them to comply with rules other than salvation-related truths! Only when we have learnt this in our church life can the gospel be spread far and wide.

Acts 15:1-21

* Our global village is threatened with worries and fears. Despite this, we can still sing to worship God: 《不要怕》Fear Not Production by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry.(Lewis Center for Church Leadership)

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Generous in Giving, Diligent in Praying! – Sunday Hope_10/07/2022 (Acts 10)

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Preach the Gospel of Peace! – Sunday Hope 100722 Acts 10a

… So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God. He has remembered you.” (v. 4)

* Cornelius was a man of influence. Under His command he also had a devout soldier. He sent his men to find Peter. It was noon when Peter was praying. All along Peter experienced many wonders in his praying. Obviously Peter was not only a preacher, but also a man of prayer!

Acts 10:1-33

* Pastor Calvin Chao / 趙君影 and his wife were facing hardship ministering when the world was in turbulence. Once they were moved by the Lord to preach gospel in a Chinese county. They brought their wedding ring to the pawn shop to get money for travelling expenses. It was raining hard on their way home. Calvin recalled the Lord had asked Peter three times if he loved Him, and wrote this Chinese hymn:O Lord, I Love Thee (主啊我心愛你)

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