Aug 21
The Only Wise God! – Sunday Hope 21/08/2022 Romans 16
Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. (v17)
* The Book of Romans alerts us to beware of divisive and inflammatory people. Nevertheless, the author lists out names whose beautiful examples and good work are worthy of remembrance. When the ministry teams in church can walk together in one heart, the world will be changed!
Romans 16:1-27
* A hymn taking us back to the simplicity of Biblical truth. Jesus, Reduce Me to Love(願我成為愛)
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Aug 20
The God of Hope! – Ark Channel 20/08/2022 Sat Romans 15
Let each of us please his neighbour for his good, leading to edification. (v2)
* The Book of Romans is a compass for life, helping to mature and transform us. It was written by Paul during his missionary journey. 70 Old Testament quotes are found. He learnt all these scriptures by heart. The power of gospel rests in the word of God. God’s word is able to make miracles, and to turn the worthless into His gemstones.
Romans 15:1-33
* … May Your second coming rekindle our life – a life that never disappoints, so that we cannot but pray and join hands in advancing God’s Kingdom. We give You thanks and praises for Your word. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.” (Sermon 5 by David Pao/鮑維均, Hong Kong Bible Conference 2022)
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Aug 19
God has accepted them! – Ark Channel 19/08/2022 Fri Romans 14
…So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. (v.8)
* On the basis of justification by faith, we are all God’s handiwork. Those with weaker faith must be respected, no matter what happens, do not let a brother fall, avoid destroying one another, thereby destroying God’s handiwork!
Romans 14:1-26
*「…let us live in your love today, not through smooth sailing times, not necessarily through peaceful times, not in a fairytale world, but through history and reality, help us think of the things above, and not have the things under the sun dictate our happiness. Lord, hear our prayers, in Jesus name we ask, Amen! (HK Bible Conference 2022, SJ Li/李思敬, the sixth sermon.
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Aug 18
Love does no harm to a neighbor! – Ark Channel 18/08/2022 Thu Romans 13
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. (v.8)
* Lord! Let us have your heart as our heart, humbly submit, put aside the deeds of darkness, put on the armor of light, becoming glorious vessels for your name!
Romans 13:1-14
* Rev. KWOK Man-Chee/郭文池 speaks on Praying For The Sick
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Aug 17
The Gift Of God Is Eternal Life! Ark Channel 17/08/2022 Wed Romans 12
Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him (v8)
* These 3 DON’T in a man makes him a neighbour of God: Do not be proud, Do not be wise in your own eyes, Do not repay evil with evil.
Romans 12:1-21
* At the age of 80, he still dives, he runs. Life can still be a joy as you age. Those who have God in life enjoy good life and godly living all the more: arkchannel sharing
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Aug 16
According To The Election of Grace! Ark Channel 16/08/2022 Tue Romans 11
…“I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” (v4)
* Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! (v33). All is God’s grace. Turn to Him, trust in Him, and He will save us, give us peace and victory. Since we have been elected, His grace will keep us to the end!
Romans 11:1-36
* The 14 Aug issue of Ark mentioned “I have set before you good and evil…” is quoting from Psalm 91:15 “He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.”
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Aug 15
His Believers Will Not Be Shamed! Ark Channel 15/08/2022 Mon Romans 10
that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (v9)
* In today’s world filled with negative news, are we constantly delivering the Good News? Let the world hear, believe, seek and gain the Lord’s path to the truth. How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the glad tidings!
Romans 10:1-21
* HK Bible Conference: Bill Crowder’s message on 1 Aug “A Heart That Touches”
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Aug 14
He is Love, He is Truth ! – Ark Channel 14/08/2022 Sunday Hope Romans 9
“… I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” (v15)
* “Sovereignty of God” is the theme of Romans Chapter 9. God of Most High is supreme and forever sovereign. He has authority over heaven and earth. He destines the rise and fall of human nations. He rules over you and me – our paths, our good and bad days are all in His hand (Psalm 41:15). Do we respect God’s sovereignty today?
Romans 9:1-33
* Let us find shelter under the shadow of His wings and walk on boldly. Listen to this song, and mediate its lyrics:
Your Knowledge of Me(如此認識我), inspired by Psalm 139, Cantonese production by The Heralders
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Aug 13
The Holy Spirit Helps in Our Weakness! – Ark Channel 13/08/2022 Saturday Romans 8b
because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of the corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. (v21)
* God blesses us with the new life that brings freedom and hope. We are being guided and transformed by the Holy Spirit, enjoying the inseparable love of God! In living and death, in blessings and misfortunes, in life present and future, this love is in our Lord Christ Jesus!
Romans 8:18-39
* 28 sessions of the Hong Kong Bible Conference have come to a perfect close with the theme “Our Eternal Hope”. The three speakers now continue with their faithful ministry. Let us pray for their work, health, and family. Also pray for the walking in God’s word, and the consecrated hearts.
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Aug 12
The Spirit of God lives in my heart! – Ark Channel 12/08/2022 Fri Romans 8
…the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. (v.6)
* Who are the children of God? They are the ones who submit to God’s governance, act according to the Spirit, have the Spirit of the Lord in their heart, bear the seal of the Holy Spirit, children of God with Christ, sharing in the same inheritance, as family in the Church.
Romans 8:1-17/span>
* On Theological Education, Reading Scripture Well, & Life as a Pastor’s Kid
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Aug 11
Die with Him shall also live with Him! – Ark Channel 11/08/2022 Thu Romans 7
Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! (v.25)
* O Lord, help us in our daily struggles to rely on the Spirit, enter into your grace, gain freedom, and have the strength to conquer the battle in our hearts!
Romans 7:1-25
* Chiang Mai has a population of about 1.3 million people. Chiang Mai Theological Seminary was established by Dr. Henry Breidenthal; here is their story.
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Aug 10
The Gift Of God Is Eternal Life! Ark Channel 10/08/2022 Wed Romans 6
Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him (v8)
* God’s grace unites with Christ, sanctifies us in obedience and makes us honourable instruments of righteousness. Do not continue to sin under grace, why spoil yourself and God’s great work on us!
Romans 6:1-23
* The earth is a beautiful place, a wondrous work of art, may we treasure it and love one another.
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Aug 09
Only Christ Died For Us! Ark Channel 09/08/2022 Tue Romans 5
and perseverance, character; and character, hope. (v4)
* We are reconciled to God by faith, in grace we hope for His glory, received a holy and incorruptible life, rejoice in times of trouble, transformed character, receiving the love of God from the Holy Spirit, experience the power of the precious blood, saved from God’s wrath and also rejoice in God, far above all earthly and short-lived joy.
Romans 5:1-21
* Bill Crowder recalls his father’s long-standing heart condition and his death three days after Bill became a pastor. As the son, he officiated his first memorial service for his father. It was extremely sad but he learned how to cope with sadness and appreciated the value of difficult encounters which helped him to comfort others in the future.
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Aug 08
Promise Through Faith Is God’s Grace! Ark Channel 08/08/2022 Mon Romans 4
…God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did (v17)
* “Calls those things which does not exist as though they did” means God brings the non-existent into existent. Praise God for His might and power of resurrection, to bring us from non-existent into existent, from the old creation into the new creation!
Romans 4:1-25
* Yang Endian born without hands was an abandoned baby, adopted by the founder of the Christian Mountain Nursery in Taiwan. When she reached primary school, she learnt that she was an adopted child and asked, “They say you are not my mother, you have a hundred children! The mother replied, “They don’t have a mother and a father, God wants me to take care of them including you.” Grace grew up and by the Lord’s grace became an outstanding artist, painting with her feet and becoming internationally renowned.
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Aug 07
They Know Not the Way of Peace! – Ark Channel 07/08/2022 Sunday Hope Romans 3
… being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, (v. 24)
* We are all condemned beyond our own control. Nevertheless, God’s salvation for us is lawful and reasonable, because the one who judges has become our Saviour!
Romans 3:1-31
* The Economist has published a survey on the most liveable cities in 2022, Vienna coming on top of the ranking, followed by Copenhagen, and then Zurich. Yet we have a better home, as described in this song:arkchannel hymns
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Aug 06
No Partiality with God! – Ark Channel 06/08/2022 Sat Romans 2
… eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honour, and immortality; (v7)
* The Book of Romans: three divisions — the contents of gospel (Chapters 1-8); Chapters 9-11 — the arrangements of gospel (Chapters 9-11) ; gospel in practice (Chapters 12-16) ! the theme – the gospel of God, God saves, God transforms a person to be a vessel of His glory!
Romans 2:1-29
* 50 Ways to Take Church to the Community (Lewis Center for Church Leadership)
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Aug 05
Because the Gospel is the power of God! – Ark Channel 05/08/2022 Fri Romans 1
…to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith for his name’s sake. (v.5)
* The Gospel of God is that He and His Son have done everything for us: He has made us pass through the four doors of judgment, justification, sanctification, and glorification (Romans 1-8), and has let us know God’s authority, mankind’s responsibility, and God’s ultimate and beautiful will (Romans 9-11)!
Romans 1:1-32
* Believers around the world are tuning into the HK Bible Conference. Here are notes: arkchannel sharing
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Aug 21
My Beloved, My Fellow Workers! – Ark Channel 21/08/2021 Sat Romans 16
Endpoint of Journey through the Book of Romans – God of peace, Church of triumph (v. 20):
1. The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.
2. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Romans 16
*Sri Lanka — Ajith Fernando’s talk: Why We Need Friends
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Aug 20
Accept One Another! – Ark Channel 20/08/2021 Fri Romans 15
We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. (v.1)
We can only love one another when we learn to put ourselves down:
1. Imitate Christ, solely desiring to strengthen others. (v.1-6)
2. By God’s grace and faithfulness, we live each day. (v.7-13)
Romans 15
* Letter from Toronto – Life is not easy, and there are many things that are irritating. By God’s grace and blessings, I have lived till 98 years of age. When I was younger I experienced the Sino-Japanese war, the Chinese Civil War, two natural disasters, and more. To live till this long is already a miracle. My maternal grandfather and my mother were Western doctors, both Christians; while fleeing they never stopped praying around the family. I was influenced by them, and Christ had already entered into my heart. By the Lord, we have come through many tribulations. I am praying for you, and greet everyone. May we, in Christ, gain glory, peace and joy. ~Sis. Chiu.
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Aug 19
All Must Stand Before the Altar! – Ark Channel 19/08/2021 Thu Romans 14
If we live, we live for the Lord (v.8)
* Two lessons on church life:
(1) accept one another, and (2) work for the Lord in all things. The Lord has already accepted every believer; as such, as long as they are not continually sinning or believing in cultic ideas, each person’s preferences, habits, personalities, and cultural backgrounds can all be accomodated.
Romans 14
* Grace365 – Jeremiah : in a world filled with constant change, our paths are not up to ourselves. Give it up to God!
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Aug 18
Not In Strife And Jealousy! Ark Channel 18/08/2021 Wed Romans 13
Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another… (v8)
* Looking around the world, the train is about to come to the end of the tunnel. It is high time to be awake out of sleep and trust in God’s power and protection! Offer the rest of your life as a living sacrifice, walk in the light!
Romans 13:1-14
* “A Journey of Faith” HK Bible Conference – written record of all 26 sessions is now available for reading or download:
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Aug 17
Vengeance Is God’s, God Will Repay! Ark Channel 17/08/2021 Tue Romans 12
Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly… (v16)
Become A Cleansed Vessel, To Be Used By Christ And The Church:
1. Become a living sacrifice (v1-2)
2. To think soberly (v3-21)
* Starting from today, do not waste your time and gifts!
Romans 12:1-21
* On the last day of the HK Bible Conference, Alex McCoy said, “I have 3 boys. Every meal is like a zoo…but my priority is to first pray with my children…”
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Aug 16
The Gifts And Calling of God Are Irrevocable! Ark Channel 16/08/2021 Mon Romans 11
…I have kept for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” (v4)
Having Received The Great Salvation, We Ought To Respond:
1. Because of God’s mercy, we should offer ourselves to Him. To live for Him.
2. Having a sanctified living, for His purpose and walk with God all our life.
Romans 11:1-36
* Seattle, USA: We just finished listening to brother McCoy’s last session on the Book of James and we say amen. We too are willing to live for God’s kingdom and His purpose. To be those who serve God through prayers. (In the past year we experienced much challenges and trials! Starting last year we persisted with brothers and sisters to dedicate time before God, to simply trust in the Lord’s word and promise through prayer, looking only to glorify the Son of God! ~ the Lord’s small flock!
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Aug 15
The Holy Spirit Helps in Our Weaknesses! Sunday Hope 15/08/2021 Romans 10
For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” (v. 11)
How to be saved?
1. Accept the gospel. Believe in Jesus, the only Saviour. Call on His name.
2. Confess your sins. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and deliverance. Believe in your heart the Lord has died for you to take your sins away.
3. Confess the Lord with your mouth. Receive Him. Let Him reign in your heart.
Romans 10
* Appeal by a missionary we know in Afghanistan: Over 20 fellow workers are still stranded there. They may not be able to leave before the political takeover. Flight tickets are hard to find. Look up to the Lord for His peace and presence…. Covet your prayers.
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Aug 14
It Depends on God’s Mercy! – Ark Channel 14/08/2021 Sat Romans 9
… I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion. (v. 15)
An Aerial View of the Book of Romans – 4 checkpoints:
1. Checkpoint of Justification – Chapter 1-5
2. Checkpoint of Sanctification – Chapter 6-8
3. Checkpoint of Faithfulness – Chapter 9-11
4. Checkpoint of Living Sacrifice – Chapter 12-16
Romans 9
* One-minute exhortation (in Chinese). Speaking earnestly from his heart, Bible teacher Mr LEUNG Kwok-kuen/梁國權urged us
to treasure the Bible and diligently read the Bible
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Aug 13
The universe may change, but my God does not! – Ark Channel 13/08/2021 Fri Romans 8b
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (v18)
Though there may be limitations and feelings of helplessness in this life:
1. While we may lament our difficult lives, do not forget that we have the Spirit to help us (8:18-27)
2. But resolve to love God, be one with Him, and know that groaning is the prelude to entering glory (8:28-39)
Romans 8:18-39
* Children of Peace – An encounter with cannibals
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