Dec 08
Peace be to you! – Ark Channel 08/12/2022 Thu 3 John
…you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers…send them on their way in a manner worthy of God… (v.5-6)
* For the Truth of Christ, for the building of the house of God, the Lord’s workers forge forward! We should support them, provide for them, aid in their journey, and partner with them. Those who receive the prophets will be rewarded by them!
3John 1:1-14
* Devotionals in Hakka
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Dec 08
Prosper In All Respects Ark Channel 08/12/2021 Wed 3 John
…you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brothers and sisters, and especially when they are strangers (v5)
* Sometimes evil people may appear in the church like Diotrephes who stirred things up, hurt brothers and servants of God. John encouraged Gaius to go find godly men like Demetrius to solve difficulties together. Be humble and gentle and be bold to alert, rebuke and correct!
* Many have never been to Africa but we can all pray for the church there. Let’s take a look at: The Church in Congo The Church in Kenya
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Dec 08
Unending Words, Peace To You! Ark Channel 081220 Tue 3 John 1
For I was overjoyed when brothers came and testified to your truth… (v3)
Good & Evil Co-Exist, Retribution Will Reveal
1. The arrogant Diotrephes is criticised for asserting himself, persecuting the good. God will punish!
2. Demetrius sets a good testimony for his hospitality in love, walking the talk and not being discouraged by the wicked.
3 John 1
* Pastor Wen Yinkann’s / 溫英幹牧師 sermon: Lord, What should I do
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Dec 08
Beloved, thou doest a faithful work in whatsoever thou doest toward them that are brethren and strangers withal; (v5)
A Good Model in Real Practice
1. The wicked ones in Church – Diotrephes took joy in being the leader. This is evident in the way he talked and walked. (v9-10).
2. The kindness one cannot hide – Demetrius was known for his kindness. A true and Godly living in Christians is one that bears witness and cannot be hidden. (v12)
Scripture of the day (NT) : III John 1
* Life is a Blessing – Message in the Special conference for Elderlies
What is the key to being blessed as we grow old, the more so as we grow older!
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* But go thou thy way till the end be; for thou shalt rest, and shalt stand in thy lot, at the end of the days. (Daniel 12:13)
Daniel 10-12: The last days of Daniel ended in ‘peace’. This is his last test on God! Is God truly able to bring life out of death!
* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *
Dec 08
that we may be fellow – workers with the truth. <1:8>
Be passer-by on earth, be loyal and well-treat your fellow brothers :
1 . Gaius: loving God and men ,giving out without limit like our Lord ? v.18 ?
2. Diotrephes : proud, narrow-minded, jealous and merciless? v.911?
3 . Demetrius: many were encouraged by his life! (v.12 )
Are we 1, or 2?? 1? 3 will be the best! ?
?Harvest in HK tonight
1. gospel meeting for youth of church in HK?From Weary and Burdened to Life of Joy / in TST?
2. Gospel meeting for elderly? Heavenly Peace & Blessing / 25 tables / in Wan Chai ? We are ready to fight, but pray on the mountain for us.
? Special message?2 ?
From weary to renewed
Dec 05
that we may be fellow – workers with the truth. <1:8>
Be accommodating, hospitable and kind — connect in love, pass on the truth?
1. Contribute our best in walking in truth ?v.34?
2. Spare no efforts in helping those preaching the truth?v.58?
3. Never stand against the servants used by God ?v.910?
4. Be faithful in being Lords witnesses together ?v.1112?
? Yesterday the couple Chan Chit (??) and Cheong (?) from Brisbane passed by HK. (When htis couple were in HK, they stood side by side for the Kingdom of God with us; they continue family meetings in Australia) Saints in Brisbane are zealous, recently they had spread out to Gold Coast, their evangelism team had gone to Philippine & Japan, having great harvests! Chit is a nurse, and her opportunity to serve in an Australia hospital was all depended on her prayers ( Now 4,000+ missionaries from Australia altogether being sent to places throughout the world , to preach the glorious gospel. Pls pray for these 4,000+ brothers & sisters.)
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