Aug 04
Thanked God and was encouraged! – Ark Channel 04/08/2022 Thu Acts 28
He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! (v.31)
* Acts’ conclusion records a man who lived for the Lord and lived out Christ. Storms, chains, and isolation nurtured an extraordinary spirit! In every generation going forth, the ones who hand the baton of the church to the next generation are these people whose spirits have been transformed by the Holy Spirit!
Acts 28:1-31
* Having served in Thailand for 60 years, Dr. Henry Breidenthal’s still testifies to God’s miraculous works: arkchannel sharing
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Aug 03
Forever United As Your Children! Ark Channel 03/08/2022 Wed Acts 27
For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve, saying, ‘Do not be afraid… (v23-24a)
* The risen King of Peace leads his faithful servants to Italy and onto the world stage. The voyage is not going well, revealing the spiritual enemies, and even the sun and the stars are out of sight. Where can we find a shore in a vast sea? But with the presence of the Lord, with the word of God, there is courage and salvation!
Acts 27:1-44
* The lovingkindness of Christ transforms lives, making our faith steadfast and strong. Our faithful Lord will come and peace is at hand… The HK Bible Conference Meeting in August is available through the website:
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Aug 02
Receive An Inheritance! Ark Channel 02/08/2022 Tue Acts 26b
Therefore, having obtained help from God, to this day I stand… (v22)
* Because of Jesus’ death on the cross in our behalf, our sins are forgiven, released from bondage, received God’s sanctified life, become God’s foundation, and are in hope of resurrection. It is heartwarming to meet a man who has such faith, month after month, year after year, as the wind and fire! It is a pity that so many noblemen and talented people do not listen and miss out the grace of God!
Acts 26:19-32
* An elderly brother, shares his learning from Philippians 4:8-9 ’five well’ plus ‘five to-do’:
to see well, to hear well, to think well, to speak well, to do well; to see, to hear, to think, to speak, to do – “… whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.””
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Aug 01
Rise And Stand On Your Feet! Ark Channel 01/08/2022 Mon Acts 26a
Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead? (v8)
* Paul’s sincere defence in the face of adversity demonstrates his life of repentance (v1-23) and a life of light (v24-32). This is Christ living in him!
Acts 26:1-18
* The HK Bible Conference website has been refreshed. The messages on 28 Aug will be delivered through this new site. The theme for this year is “Eternal Hope”
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Jul 31
Jesus is Still Alive! – Ark Channel 31/07/2022 Sunday Hope Acts 25
… and about a certain Jesus, who had died, whom Paul affirmed to be alive. (v19)
* God’s ways are higher than men’s ways. Paul was resolute to proclaim Jesus Christ, in whom he believed. O Lord, once again we trust you with our future. May You keep us, Lord!
Acts 25
* When we watch quietly each morning dawn, we will still sing Redeem Me(復興我from Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry)
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Jul 30
He Forms the Light and Creates Darkness! – Ark Channel 30/07/2022 Sat Acts 24
… Concerning the resurrection of the dead I am being judged by you this day. (v21)
* Acts 24 is a sandwiched narration: at the top is the accusation of an orator; at the bottom is the reaction of those in power; Paul’s testimony is in the middle. Wicked and crafty people are going around in our world. We will not lose heart, however. God knows every lie. He will judge the living and the dead in future!
Acts 24:1-27
* 50 Ways to Welcome New People (Lewis Center for Church Leadership)
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Jul 29
So you must also testify in Rome! – Ark Channel 29/07/2022 Fri Acts 23
The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage…” (v.11)
* Over 40 assassins plotted to kill Paul (v.12-13)! Life can be treacherous, but the Lord’s word gave Paul peace of mind that night. Though he later fell into Felix’s hands, the Lord still arranged a miraculous rescue. The safety of the Lord’s followers is in our master’s hands!
Acts 23:1-35
* Psalm 84 looks at “How God disciplines us” – Rev. Hongjie YU/于宏潔
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Jul 28
Lord, who are you? – Ark Channel 28/07/2022 Thu Acts 22
Acts 22:1-30
A man named Ananias came to see me. He was a devout observer of the law and highly respected by all the Jews living there. (v.12)
* To counsel someone who once persecuted Christians, look to Ananias’ example. Become blind, accept others’ help and teaching, and learn from Paul’s example of humility!
Acts 22:1-30
* August 2022′s HK Bible Conference booklet is available for download (iPad & mobile)
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Jul 27
The Will Of The Lord Be Done! Ark Channel 27/07/2022 Wed Acts 21
…we departed and went on our way; and they all accompanied us, with wives and children, till we were out of the city. (v5)
* Bearing the emotion of parting, the disciples with their wives and children knelt down and prayed in seeing them off (v5). In the later part of Paul’s journey, he visited the evangelist Philip’s family – four daughters, all of whom spoke prophecy (v8-9). A fine report of a live situation. Luke’s two references to the next generation being involved in church life and ministry are exactly what we should be looking for!
Acts 21
* John Flynn is the founder of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia used his kindness and creativity to provide support to remote locations.
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Jul 26
The Word That Builds You Up! Ark Channel 26/07/2022 Tue Acts 20b
I have coveted no one’s silver or gold or apparel. (v33)
* With the commercialisation of religious activities today, it is difficult to distinguish between those who pretend to be apostles and prophets, and those who are able to speak well and preach the will of God. Paul suggested a way to do quality control : Anyone who is a true servant of God will not be greedy for money!
Acts 20:17-38
* News from Calgary, Canada – We have been mutually helping our neighbours and brothers and sisters, visiting elderly widows in the hospice. Recently, a young couple came to our home for dinner and a person of Islamic faith wanted to know Jesus. We thank God for her faith in Jesus and her desire to read the Bible. Glory be to God on high! – Shih Kit/仕傑 and Ming Yin/明燕
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Jul 25
Encourage Them With Many Words! Ark Channel 25/07/2022 Mon Acts 20a
But Paul went down, fell on him, and embracing him said, “Do not trouble yourselves, for his life is in him.” (v10)
* Life is made up of 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react. Acts 20 tells us in the early church meeting a person was accidentally killed but Paul and the people took it in their stride, and later the young man was resurrected with much comfort from the Lord. The Holy Spirit left evidence that the great servant of God would henceforth be gone (v.25), but that the Church would always have the great presence of Christ!
Acts 20:1-16
* Three speakers at the HK Bible Conference pray in one accord:
Bill Crowder/柯貝爾 Stephen Lee/李思敬 David BAO/ 鮑維均
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Jul 23
All the Way My Saviour Leads Me! – Ark Channel 23/07/2022 Sat Acts 19a
Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul. (v. 11)
* Our resurrected Lord travelled from Asia to Europe, through the footsteps of His believers. As long as situation allowed, the apostle preached His gospel for three months (v8)! Then came the hindrances and hardships. Despite these, the foundation was already laid for future edifying work. Let us do our best at each stage. Trust God for His plan! He will do the rest.
Acts 19:1-20
* 50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Youth (Lewis Center for Church Leadership)
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Jul 22
Strengthen the disciples! – Ark Channel 22/07/2022 Fri Acts 18
One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. (v.9)
* Those who genuinely work with God will be courageous, submit to God and desire Him! Every moment of darkness is an opportunity for God to come and comfort us!
Acts 18:1-28
* Those who wish to read Bro. Stephen Kuang’s works can find them online. Here is some recommendation: arkchannel sharing
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Jul 21
He gives everyone life and breath and everything else! – Ark Channel 21/07/2022 Thu Acts 17
…examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. (v.11)
* Our gospel should be like Paul’s, bravely and faithfully preaching the core of the Bible, that is God created mankind (v.22-26), raised up mankind (v.27-28) but mankind was foolish (v.29) yet God was gracious (v.30-31)!
* Those who genuinely work with God will be courageous, submit to God and desire Him! Every moment of darkness is an opportunity for God to come and comfort us!
Acts 17:1-34
* Whether to immigrate or not (SOBEM/恩雨之聲, Cantonese)
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Jul 20
Refine To Remove Impurities! Ark Channel 20/07/2022 Wed Acts 16b
But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. (v25)
* Paul and Silas, faced with rebellion, held a sermon in the prison! The sound of praise opened the hearts of the prisoners and guards to Jesus! Don’t be discouraged, as I know who I believe!
Acts 16:1-40
* The Way to Overcome (from Romans) by Rev. Hongjie YU (in Chinese)/ 羅馬書 – 聖徒得勝之路 – 于宏潔 主講
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Jul 19
Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ! Ark Channel 19/07/2022 Tue Acts 16a
So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily. (v5)
* Sometimes things work out but God may have other plans to change our path. Listen carefully to the still small voice of God’s guidance. Look out for God’s seal of approval in your situation!
Acts 16:1-15
* The truth of the cross is being preached on the African continent. 9% of Christians lived in Africa in 1900, rising to 49% in 2020. Unfortunately, Australia and New Zealand have seen a new low in Christians. 70% of New Zealanders were believers in 1900, but today nearly half of the population are atheists.
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Jul 18
Faith and Faithfulness Before All Theories and Things! Ark Channel 18/07/2022 Mon Acts 15
men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (v26)
* Pastor Timothy S WU/吳獻章 mentioned that in churches, a miniature of the world, conflict exists. A good leader is one who accommodates those who remind them of his blind spot. Authority is not a product of position or status but the result of obedience. A pastor is a seer who meets the needs of doctrine teaching and shepherding. He has to be meek and humble. God can turn conflict into room and opportunity for growth.
Acts 15:22-41
* Return to God – “Back to God’s Love, Godliness, God’s Riches” Pastor CHEUNG Mo Oi/ 1998/Peace Gospel Hall, text version, Chinese
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Jul 17
Silently Waiting for God! – Ark Channel 170722 Sunday Hope Acts 15a
…through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved….” (v. 11)
* Salvation comes by grace through faith! Don’t pressurise others to follow our way of living and our habits. Don’t force them to comply with rules other than salvation-related truths! Only when we have learnt this in our church life can the gospel be spread far and wide.
Acts 15:1-21
* Our global village is threatened with worries and fears. Despite this, we can still sing to worship God: 《不要怕》Fear Not Production by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry.(Lewis Center for Church Leadership)
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Jul 16
Strengthen Disciples to Continue in the Faith! – Ark Channel 16/07/2022 Sat Acts 14
…and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” (v22)
* The Enemy uses both hard and soft tactics, stones and garlands interchangeably, to stop the spread of gospel. Persecution of being stoned is hard to bear. Temptation of honour garlands is even harder to resist. There are times when God allows us to be tried by dangers of fire and wind, “that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead.” (II Corinthians 1:9)
Acts 14:1-28
* 50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Children (Lewis Center for Church Leadership)
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Jul 15
Filled with joy and the Spirit! – Ark Channel 15/07/2022 Fri Acts 13b
When the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord; and all who had been appointed to eternal life believed. (v48)
* God chooses and sends. Those who serve God will encounter defamation and resistance, but we believe that God will protect us and that He will, through us, bring the Gospel to the ends of the Earth!
Acts 13:1-25
* In 1935, Bro. Stephen Kaung/江守道弟兄 took part in a summer camp. The preacher asked Kaung, “Are you saved?” and asked him to read 1 John 1:9, changing “we” to his name: I, Stephen Kaung, confess my sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive my sins and purify me from all unrighteousness.” After hearing him say it twice, the preacher said, “Let us kneel and pray.” From this point on Bro. Kaung was clear on his salvation, and faithfully served the Lord for 87 more years.
by Bro. Guang-An Lü/呂廣安弟兄 (Sydney/Mandarin)
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Jul 14
Soar on wings! – Ark Channel 14/07/2022 Thu Acts 13a
So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off. (v.3)
* In times of difficulty, the Holy Spirit sends out the best servants to open a new chapter of history (v.1-3)! These new vessels will be trained through hardship to become His vanguard (v.4 -12)!
Acts 13:1-25
* The Book of Revelation — The Revelation of Jesus Christ by Bro. Guang-An Lü/呂廣安弟兄 (Sydney/Mandarin)
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Jul 13
The Church Constantly Prayed For Him! Ark Channel 13/07/2022 Wed Acts 12a
…where many were gathered together praying. (v12)
* James martyred, Peter delivered, Herod died…In the midst of these ups and downs, the church came to know God’s presence. Furthermore, they had the courage to preach Christ, the eternal King. All men die but the Word of God endures forever!\
Acts 12:1-25
* Proverbs tells us to look at the movements of ants (6:6). Ants know how to move in formation. It turns out that where ants walk, they leave chemical traces that they can identify with the antennae on their heads, so they can move in formation!
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Jul 12
Many Believed And Turned To The Lord! Ark Channel 12/07/2022 Tue Acts 11
who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved.’ (v14)
* The Church is a tree of life, full of fruit, embracing different races and cultures. The Holy Spirit breakthrough using two kinds of people – are we like Peter, who had the courage to break new ground? Or are we like Barnabas, who had the heart to build new teams to grow the Church?
Acts 11:1-30
* I work as a physiotherapist in an elderly home. During a hot summer day, I bought a big watermelon to share with my colleagues. Before we ate it, I gave each a gospel leaflet. They all enjoyed and blessed each other. Even more thankful is that two of my elderly friends have accepted the Lord Jesus after evangelising to them for a year. ~ HK
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Jul 11
God was with Him! Ark Channel 11/07/2022 Mon Acts 10b
And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead. (v42)
* God took a circuitous route to lead the family of Cornelius the centurion, to salvation! God maintains the principle of “using people to save people”, we are weak, but He still wants to pass on His life through us!
Acts 10:34-48
* That year I shared in my mother’s funeral. My sister-in-law’s second uncle (the eldest in the family) heard the full gospel and told me after the meeting that my mother had a good life. Two months later he was diagnosed with lung cancer and approached my brother. My brother then brought him to accept the Lord. About a year later, he went to his heavenly home with the hope of eternal life ~ Miss Ng
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Jul 10
Preach the Gospel of Peace! – Sunday Hope 100722 Acts 10a
… So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God. He has remembered you.” (v. 4)
* Cornelius was a man of influence. Under His command he also had a devout soldier. He sent his men to find Peter. It was noon when Peter was praying. All along Peter experienced many wonders in his praying. Obviously Peter was not only a preacher, but also a man of prayer!
Acts 10:1-33
* Pastor Calvin Chao / 趙君影 and his wife were facing hardship ministering when the world was in turbulence. Once they were moved by the Lord to preach gospel in a Chinese county. They brought their wedding ring to the pawn shop to get money for travelling expenses. It was raining hard on their way home. Calvin recalled the Lord had asked Peter three times if he loved Him, and wrote this Chinese hymn:O Lord, I Love Thee (主啊我心愛你)
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Jul 09
Walking In the Fear of the Lord! – Ark Channel 09/07/2022 Saturday Acts 9b
… But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles…. (v. 27)
* O Lord, make us a blessing in Your hands; let us be a Barnabas, who supports others with love and courage to be a blessing too.
Acts 9:20-43
* To stay or go – What should we take note of under the wave of emigration? Stay or Go — Our Footsteps, Chinese publication of CCMPROCLAIM(去留的腳步)
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