Vast His Grace as Waters are Wide!

Philemon No Comments »

Step by step, follow the Lord! – Ark Channel 03/11/2022 Thu Philemon

If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me. (v18)

* Onesimus was a fugitive on the run. He met Paul in jail, came to Christ, was freed from sin, and became a Brother, all because of Jesus paying the price. There is nothing incidental in life!

Philemon 1:1-25

* Asta Nilsson witnessed her father come to Christ, quit smoking and drinking, dramatically transforming her family. Her mother also was baptized as a result. Nilsson lived till 83, and for about 50 years she served the poor in Hong Kong and China, founding schools and churches.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Temporary Separation To Have Him Back Forever!

Philemon No Comments »

Refresh And Comfort My Heart! Ark Channel 03/11/2021 Wed Philemon

If then you regard me as a partner, accept him as you would me. (v17)

* Paul requested Philemon to accept his run away slave. The Lord accepted us, God’s grace and His presence are also with us. Today, are we willing to forgive those who offend us?

Philemon 1

*How Do I Delight Myself in the Lord? Interview with John Piper

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Love & Forgiveness Refreshes The Heart!

Philemon No Comments »

For The Sake Of Christ! Ark Channel 031120 Tue Philemon 1

But if he has wronged you in any way or owes you anything, charge that to my account (v18)

With Great Love, Obey God’s Will, Show Kindness:
1. Onesimus, a slave escaped to Rome, met Paul and heard the gospel. On behalf of Onesimus, Paul appealed to his former master to forgive and accept him in love and justice.
2. Who does not have a broken and embarrassing past? But Jesus, our Mediator, intercedes for us, and with God’s grace and sovereignty, brings us a refreshing new life.


* In the Haystack Evangelical Movement of the late 80s, the students rushed in and the Lord rose up J.R. Mott and 100+ youth. In only 2 years, over 2000 students spread God’s love and peace in all corners of the world. Mott was awarded a Nobel peace prize for his peace-promoting work. . We are still waiting for the Lord’s return to wipe away our tears.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

A Fugitive Called “Profitable” Becomes A Benefit To The Disciple & The Master!

Everyday New Testament, Philemon No Comments »
who once was unprofitable to thee, but now is profitable to thee and to me: (v11)

New Life, New Relationship – Paul + Philemon + Onesimus

1. Father and son – Paul, the disciple, when at his old age, gave birth to Onesimus, a spiritual son (v10)

2. Master and servant – Onesimus, a slave on the run returned to Philemon, his master on freewill, for gospel’s sake (v12)

3. Brother and brother – Philemon, the master in flesh received Onesimus for gospel’s sake (v16)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Philemon


* Steps of saints:

- Bro. Jack CHAN returned to HK with his French wife and little daughter in October, visiting saints who are weak in sickness, praying for many in French.

- Bro. WM CHIN/錢衛民,on transit via HK, shared splendid fellowship with saints and encouraged one another in gospel ministry.

- Sister CM CHUI/徐宗敏, wife of Bro. Dixon IP/葉特生 is in HK from LA, US, sharing splendid fellowship!

Let us pray for saints in these 3 churches. May the Lord bless them with strength and fervent faith to serve in all lands.


* And thou hast said unto me, …, Buy thee the field for money, and call witnesses; whereas the city is given into the hand of the Chaldeans (Jeremiah 32:25)

Jeremiah 32-33: It’s Faith! Despite being captivated in jail, he acknowledged God’s promise through actions: he bought a piece of defeated land, paid the price, established a contract.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Fellow – soldier?

Philemon, Voice Divine No Comments »
But if he has wronged the at all put that to mine account? <1:18>

3 changes of our fate —- due to the sacrifice & prayer of our mediator:
1. Prisoners are now freed! ?v.811?
2. A slave becomes a brother now! ?v.10?
3. The unprofitable ones become profitable!?v.1114?

?Pray for the Middle EastSis. Elaine of Goodnews Communication International told me -they have 2 more gospel films translated into Arabian , to be broadcasted from 22/11 to Middle East countries via satellite. Pls pray for this !
?From today (3/11) to next Tue (7/11) – HK Church conferences. Topic -The vessel chosen by God, with 4 sermons -on the start, experience, changes & peak of life. The sermons are given by Bro James Chu??? fr NY & Bro TK.Tse ??? fr Vancouver. Pls pray for the 2000+ saints/attendants in HK.
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