Nov 28
Because He Cares About You! – Ark Channel 28/11/2022 Mon 1 Peter 5
…. clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, (v5)
* We need to shepherd His people amidst chaos. Who is there to care and accompany the flock who are in distress? Do not give up on your faith. Do not let go of your flock. We are strong and steadfast all the more in the storm. The Greatest Shepherd is soon to come. The crown is laid up for you.
1Peter 5
* Politician in the west, William E. Gladstone said, “If at all I am eloquent in any way, it is all thanks to my Bible time with my mother since I was kid.”
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Nov 27
Suffer for God’s Good Purpose – Sunday Hope 27/11/2022 I Peter 4
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (v10)
* We are willing to practise self-sacrifice, for we have experienced Christ’s love by His self-sacrifice. While we offer help out of love, sometimes we will meet troubles, conflicts, misunderstanding, even ingratitude. Don’t grumble. Love of the Cross means we are are enduring all these alone. We have the faithful Creator caring for us. We have the Spirit of glory to keep us company.
1Peter 4
* Life is a wonderful journey and a beautiful song: You Were With Me(陪我渡過), in Cantonese, by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry
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Nov 26
Eyes of the LORD’s on the Righteous! – Ark Channel 26/11/2022 Sat I Peter 3
…be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. (v.8)
* Live a godly life. Wives submit to the husband. Husbands give honour to the wife. Fellow workers get along with understanding. Always be ready to share gospel, with meekness and fear, with non-believers.
1Peter 3
* Chinese Sermon by Rev Gordon Siu/ 蕭壽華牧師 at a Bible conference in Toronto Live out the Eternal Christ under the New Normal(新常態下活出永恆的基督)
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Nov 25
Now you have received mercy! – Ark Channel 25/11/2022 Fri 1 Peter 2
…Now to you who believe, this stone is precious…(v.7)
* Come before the Lord (v.1-10), follow His footsteps (v.11-25): this is how we live as His living stones – a royal status, this submission is the mystery of how we are built into God’s holy temple.
1Peter 2:1-25
* A nurse intern’s reflections – serving patients in love and honesty (Traditional Chinese)
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Nov 24
Set your hope on Christ’s revealing! – Ark Channel 241122 Thu 1 Peter 1
Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober… (v.13)…
* Amidst persecution and trials, remember four things: (1) restrain yourself and await the Lord, (2) be holy, for God is holy, (3) live our foreigners’ lives in reverent fear, and (4) love one another deeply! (v.13-22)
1Peter 1:1-25
* Everything has its time; we do things just-in-time. Bro. Raymond Chin (Singapore) speaks on Being just-in-time/要及時(Cantonese): .
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Nov 28
Fervent in Spirit and Serve the Lord! – Sunday Hope 28/11/2021 1 Peter 5
Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (v7)
* The wicked trio – World, Flesh, Satan—is watching us. Humble ourselves and receive mercy from God; His perfect will is hidden in His mighty hand. Cast our worries to God. He will protect us!
1Peter 5
* Chinese sermon on I Peter 5 by Rev. Gordon Siu / 蕭壽華, bidding Christians to be clothed in humility, be sober and steadfast arkchannel sharing
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Nov 27
Be Intentional to Do Good! – Ark Channel 27/11/2021 Sat 1 Peter 4
… commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator (v. 19b)
* Fiery trials. Can we count these as blessings to those who suffer great hardship? Yes. Their work endures, and they are able to comfort others who suffer like them.
1Peter 4
* Sunday gospel talk, in Cantonese, on Luke 23 by Charles Yu/ 余德淳 Lord, remember me(請你記得我)
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Nov 26
Finally, all of you, be like-minded! – Ark Channel 26/11/2021 Fri 1 Peter 3
…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect (v.15)
* In turbulent days, if we have a warm home, a godly spouse, and coworkers by our side – we have great comfort! We may see a messy world, but in our hearts, we uphold the Lord as the Holy one, we are filled with hope, and we live for the Lord!
1Peter 3
* Last Saturday, the Chinese church in Reading welcomed 45 new friends to the Gospel meeting. The choir offered the song, “The Best Blessing”/「最好的福氣」. Four committed their lives to Christ, while 12 others continued seeking. Glory to God! – Wilson
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Nov 25
Taste the Lord’s grace! – Ark Channel 25/11/2021 Thu 1 Peter 2
…once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. (v.10)
* The Lord is a Living Stone that has been discarded by man but is cherished by God. In our life’s tribulations, by the Lord, we are sculpted into a spiritual temple and its priests. Use sufferings to give offerings to God!
1Peter 2
* In the west, a growing number of German believers are leaving the church. Churches in S. E. Asia and North America should be reflecting on this. arkchannel sharing
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Nov 24
Temporarily Distressed By Trials! Ark Channel 24/11/2021 Wed 1 Peter 1
to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable, undefiled, and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you (v4)
* Living in the pull and the tension of the world, we need to pay attention to three aspects of restraining our hearts: focus and look to God only, be obedient children of God, earnestly love another!
1Peter 1
* Want to resume travelling around the world? I love to travel
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Nov 28
Be Clothed with Humility and Submit to One Another! – Ark Channel 281120 Sat I Peter 5
… Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (v.7)
Offer ourselves to God and His sheep:
1. Shepherd the flock of God. Be willing to spend effort caring for them.
2. We will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away when the Chief Shepherd appears.
1 Peter 5
“* How to respond to life changes? How to invest in eternity? Cantonese Sermon on Ecclesiastes 11 by William Chui /徐武豪 (Canada)
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Nov 27
Give an account of ourselves before God! – Ark Channel 271120 Fri 1 Peter 4
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves with the same attitude…(v.1)
Trial by fire!
1. How do we understand hardships? – They purify life, and judge the flesh (v. 12,17)
2. What benefit are hard times? – God’s glory and His presence; when he comes, we share in His glory! (v.13-16)
3. How do we face difficulties? – Accept it as God’s will, do good, and give your heart to the Lord! (v.19)
1 Peter 4
“The Second Coming of Christ” – In 1990, Billy Graham spoke in New York City; the message is timeless – beyond this life, patiently await a new day!
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Nov 26
One Who Believes Will Not Be Shamed! Ark Channel 251120 Wed 1 Peter 2
…be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble (v.8)
Blessed are those who suffer for righteousness (3:14):
1. We are not afraid of man, because we fear God!
2. Always be prepared, be gentle.
3. Do good through the Lord with a pure heart.
* Lord, give us the strength of heart and training to follow You to the end!
1 Peter 3
* LA has been hit hard by the pandemic, many are infected, the election has yet to settle, and the world appears to be in turmoil. Thanksgiving has arrived, but the saints cannot gather either. Yet we are doing well! We have a night curfew, but it does not affect our lives too much. Praise the Lord of Peace, Amen! Have a heart of thanksgiving, give thanks for everything. We hope the brothers and sisters are doing well. Bro. Dixon Ip and family/葉特生夫婦
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Nov 25
One Who Believes Will Not Be Shamed! Ark Channel 251120 Wed 1 Peter 2
For such is the will of God, that by doing right… (v15)
Journey Of Grace Is Bitter And Glorious!
1. God is shaking humanity! Persist even in desperation trusting in God’s amazing grace!
Look at Peter!
2. God desires life that can withstand the test of fire. Look at Jesus!
1 Peter 2
* Rev. Gordon Siu / 蕭壽華牧師 had a successful operation on 24/11 in HK. Our 2.5 year old granddaughter sang “The One Who Protects Me Is Jesus” based on Psalm 121. The next 2 days are critical. It is difficult for the patient. He needs 14 days to recover. May the Lord show mercy, grant strength and heal! May our Heavenly Father restore Rev. Siu’s breath, voice, strength, mind and joy… Looking forward to hearing Rev. Siu singing hymns and praises together with you. Thank you for your kind intercession! – Sister Siu
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Nov 24
Endured The Cross! Ark Channel 241120 Tue 1 Peter 1
who are protected by the power of God through faith … (v5)
5 Exhortations In 1 Peter (1 Peter 1):
1. Set your hope completely at the revelation of the Lord
2. Live in sanctification
3. Conduct yourselves in fear of God
4. Love one another sincerely
5. Desire the living and enduring word of God
1 Peter 1
* Financial research scholar Prof. Yinkann Wen / 溫英幹教授 talks about life’s second half – How blessed it is to contribute to the kingdom of God)
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Nov 29
Grace and peace be multiplied to you <1:2>
Advice to heavenly passengers — giving more and more diligence:
1. Men are mortal, only Gods words last forever ?v.1215?
2. Experience fades, only Lords words endure ?v.1618?
3. The world in total darkness , only the Bible brings light?v.1921?
?He listens, He cares, He saves: email from sister Myra ??? USA this morning– : I have recovered from the car accident with a little bit of back pain and sore arm and fingers. Otherwise I am ok. The spare tire of my car saved me from the force of the collision. God is really awesome and amazing! Also thanks for yours prayers. ”
?church prayed urgently for servant Samuel Ching???. Ark Channel also asked you all watch & pray. Now dear Bro Ching is relieved from pain , continues his service! Also, BB Philip of John & Jessie has turned a bit better. Really thanks God!
Nov 28
But the God of all grace Himself will restore you and make you perfect, stablish, strengthen and steadfast <5:10>
Suffer a moment, God will stalish, strengthen us & make us perfect:
1. To the saints stay loyal in pasturing even under sufferings?v.14?
2. To the Father stay obedient and trust in Him , give our worries to Him?v.57?
3. To Satan stay alert and guard against it by faith?v.89?
?The 19-year-old son Won Kit?? of C. S. Cheng??? in HK was found to have serious brain problem. Thanks the Lord and the prayers from you all– he was healed by God! On 20/10 a doctor prayed for this young son , encouraged him to serve God. The doctor also gave him a copy of The Purpose Driven Life. On 25/10 diagnosis found that his blood vessel is ok. On 27/10 the shadow of bleeding in his brain shrank. On 28/10 he was back home safely! Thanks for all the caring and prayers from you all! — Bro CS Cheng
Nov 27
and be watchful unto prayers; <4:7>
How to spend your remaining days?
1. Put an end to sin — follow Gods will instead?v.13?
2. Preach persistent — to save the lost?v.46?
3. Pray wisely — to welcome Lords return?v.47?
4. Serve Him — with zealous love?v.811?
* Video of Sunday School broadcast by Good TV —- Prayer 10 messages, by Ms. M. L Kiu??? Successful Education for Your Kids 14 messages, by Dr. F. Y. So ????? Family after Gods Heart 10 messages, by elder C. H. Lau ??? Middle East & Biblical Prophecies 16 messages, by Dr. H. T. Chan ???,
Nov 26
to give an account of the hope that is in you<3:15>
Like gold tested by fire glorify God in 3 aspects:
1. Magnify the Lord in marriage life?v.17?
2. Show Gods holiness in church life?v.812?
3. Rely on Lord in hard life?v.1318?
?5 gospel meetings will be held today by the church in HK. Pls pray for this!
?In a banquet I sat beside Uncle Po (Lam Po??), who was sentenced to death twice. Cheated by his business partner, his friend helped him to hire killer. Uncle Po was charged as the chief instigator . He was out of control and killed again in the jail. Sent to psychiatric hospital he found no way out, but just when he tried to kill himself, he found an old Bible. From that time he was enlightened. At his 58 he was freed and he preached with gospel calligraphy and painting. Jesus healed him & using him in a great way!
Nov 25
but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. <2:25>
Follow Him in wahtever situation– stay loyal, life or death:
1. In hardship, the Lord is our model of life?v.21?
2. In perplex, the Lord is our shepherd of life?v.25?
?In yesterdays family gathering, a couple joined us for the first time. They moved back to HK from US. The husband was used to be a devoted Buddhist, but the Spirit touched him one day that he came to the church opposite to their home in San Francisco — to search for the truth. Now they become the Lords disciple ,bringing many to Christ!
Nov 24
but the word of the Lord abides for eternity<1:25>
How to be overflowed by Gods love & grace:
1. Live in hope?v.112? Abba Father worked hard in preparing our past & future!
2. Live holy life?v.1321? the Creator sacrificed his beloved Son to gain glory in you.
Can we not value it and live godly?
?Sister Myra Tong ??? who had moved to North Carolina from HK ,had a traffic accident 2 days ago. The Lord protected her miraculously . Pls pray for her recovery & service.
?2 days ago Uncle Tong??finished his mission – witnessing the Lord to the Law graduates of HKU. He recalled his life in the gang, and how the Spirit called him and saved him. 80+ university students and professors listened silently to this miracle of life, pls pray for their souls.
Nov 23
… when you have suffered a little while, Himself will make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, ground <5:10>
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. <5:5>
A good testimony of sufferings — 5 suggestions:
1. Treat the flock (v.1-4) — serve with willingness, be example– to die for the flock.
2. Treat others (v5) — be like Jesus, wash feet with humility (John 13)
3. Treat God Father (v.6,10-11) — submit yourselves to Him in any circumstances!
4. Treat the devil (v.8-9) — resist it with faith!
5. Treat yourselves (v12-14) — stand firm by His grace, not by your wisdom!
* HK, unfortunately, got the “winner prize ” for the highest percentage of people claiming as atheist in the world ,according to a research in 2005: 86%. ( O, My Lord!) But I believe — “the Lord have many people in this city!”– (Acts 18:10) ,Do you?
*I’ll preach in Causeway Bay meeting hall on Sunday. The topic is “You light up my life “, Please pray for me.
Nov 22
do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. < v12 -14 >
How to live in the rest of our earthy life? 3 steps of preparation work:
1. Live according to His will (v1-19) turn away from evil path , walk on the path of God. We will lose something but remember He is the Creator God. Dont worry!
2. Be a good manager of Gods grace (v7-11) The end is near and we dont have much time left. So use your talent wisely to serve others!
3. Wait for His judgment (v.12-19) judgment will begin with family of God. If we live & suffer according to His will today, we do not have to worry about the future anymore!
*A couple of days ago, young student Man Hang brought 2 friends to gospel meeting & they became Christians. MH wrote , 3 years ago, I invited a classmate to a gospel meeting. He was saved & eager to pursue the truth. He has become my spiritual partner today! I felt ashamed as he was my only fruit over 3 years. I prayed for more This morning, my two classmates confessed without hesitation. When I spoke & prayed with them, they were serious. Glory to God! God loves the world , He wants all to be saved. Whenever we stop bearing fruits, our spiritual lives stop growing. Peace be with you! -Man Hang
Nov 21
because the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears towards their supplications …<3:12>
The shelter in times of trouble stay in the conservation area under the oversee of the shepherd:
1. Family life (v1-7) — Couple live in harmony. wives spend more time looking upon God; husbands protect the family by grace and prayers!
2. Church life (v8-13)– We are called to bless brothers and sisters! Be compassionate and humblelike Jesus. Only this can help us growing and staying in the Church. (My heartfelt wish!)
3. Evangelical life (v14-22) — Preach at anytime and you will be free from all!
* A lady was very poor after she got married. Later, she found that her husband had an affair! Since then she became superstitious & pursued Japanese religion. She rose up her kids in sadness for over 20 years. In 1995, her daughter was baptised. 8 year later, the mother became a Christian too, and she bowed and prayed for her family everyday. After 1 year, the daughter came back fr Hawaii to destroy all idols at home —this mother was baptised yesterday!
Nov 20
… returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. <2:25>
..he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. <2:23>
Adversity does not mean hopelessness. Be submissive and you will see the blessing from above:
1. For the Lord’s sake, submit yourselves to the law, authority and to governors. (v.13-17)
2. Be conscious of God, bear up under the pain of suffering in your working place. (v.18-25)
In 1 Peter, the word ‘ submit’ is mentioned 7 times (2:13,18; 3:1,5,22; 5:5). For Peter & us, who used to go where we wanted (John 21:18), are now willing to suffer on earth in order to let people come to the Lord!
*A sister runs her business in Germany. She went back to HK and was invited to watch a gospel movie : “Love never fails” (A movie star Chan Shing Guan ??? gave up his career & follow the Lord. His wife took very good care of him when he got cancer). She was moved & started to seek for Christ. Now she is enthusiastic in spreading gospel, sacrifices to start missionary work in market place , helps church outreaching ministry– death was at work in Shing Guan, but life is at work in many people!
Nov 19
…for Christ also has suffered for you, leaving you a model follow in His steps <2:21>
once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. <2:10>
Two expectations from our God Father:
1. have spiritual appetite & grow up (v.1-3) — Are you still like a new born baby that you have milk regularly?
2. living stones built as spiritual house (v.4-7) — Today, are you filled by Spirit ? have Christians with you to go through all sufferings?
*Our dear Sister, Yip Mei Yin???, grows up in a Christian family and graduated from Theological seminary. This is her heartfelt wish : “Thanks to His mercy and plan. A church hires me as a minister and I’ll start working on 1 Dec. May the Lord use me!” (The Lord chooses and it will come true. Pls pray for her.)
*A sister’s mother took the initiative to go to church because of the recent environmental situation. The meeting was the sharing about SARS from Professor Shum ??? which just suited her need. She confessed and became Christian on that day!
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