Be Of Good Cheer, It’s I!

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The Wind Ceased – Ark Channel 27/01/2023 Friday Matthew 14b

And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him,…. (v.31)

* In times of distress, the Lord first reached out to Peter and then rebuked him. The Lord often supports us before rebuking us to awaken us. This year, in order to make spiritual progress, there will be trials, but the Lord’s hand will always be there to guide us!

Matthew 14:22-36

* Happy New Year! On the third day, we took 25 non-believer friends to the Science Park, Man Yee Reservoir, and Fei Ngo Shan for a tour. On the fourth day, we had a New Year’s celebration with 40 gospel friends, sharing about the Christian faith. Please pray for them – Pastor and Mrs. Wong (HK).

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Change Is The Only Constant!

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Immediately Arose To Serve Them! Ark Channel 06/04/2022 Wed Luke 4b

.…Simon’s wife’s mother was sick with a high fever, and they made request of Him concerning her. (v38)

* Christ has three kinds of authority: the authority to teach, the authority to cast out demons and the authority to heal. But don’t forget, there needs to be intercessors to work with Him!

Luke 4:22-44

* Pastor Fernando of Sri Lanka writes that the situation in his country has become very serious with soaring prices, shortages of all kinds of goods, daily power cuts and difficulties in life. Brother asks for prayers: for a quick turnaround in his country, for peace in the church and for the continuation of the spread of the gospel.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Humble in Heart, Reward in Life!

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Flowers may wither, but God’s way is eternal! – Ark Channel 25/03/2022 Fri Mark 14b

“Am I leading a rebellion,” said Jesus, “that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me?” (v48)

* The woman offered her oil, representing her life’s savings and hopes, to accomplish a beautiful thing. Judas betrayed his teacher for personal gain. Our thoughts – which can be changed in an instant – can bring a blessing or destruction!

Mark 14:43-72

* The church in Europe is mobilizing to welcome Ukrainian refugees. War has awakened the church in Europe. Learn more below, and pray for peace in the land

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Be Of Good Cheer!

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Departed To The Mountain To Pray! Ark Channel 08/0/2022 Tue Mark 6b

So they all ate and were filled. (v42)

* The bread of life and the Savior in the storm are our supplies and protection. A double miracle. This is exactly what we need in this generation! Let us fix our eyes on His blessed hands, listen to His kind voice and stay on His boat!


* My son is far away, studying in Scandinavia. I know how hard it is for him, and I pray for him every day! God cares for the weak. Even though he has been infected with covid, he managed to complete his studies, achieved good results and recovered. As parents we really need to watch over the next generation so that they may know the true God and be good and excel. ~Ah Sum

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The Last Mile!

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My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me? Ark Channel 23/02/2022 Wed Matthew 27b

…they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear His cross. (v32)

* Simon from Cyrene (North Africa) helped the weary and suffering Jesus carry the cross. Was it helplessness? Was it by chance? Or was it according to God’s will? Due to this, Simon’s descendants and family were saved by grace.


* HK’s health care system is overwhelmed by the pandemic and people are worried. Let us pray with one accord for the Lord’s mercy. Read Our Daily Bread/ “Prayer for The Fifth Wave”靈命日糧

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Diligently Planning For Relief!

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HE Will Save! Ark Channel 22/02/2022 Tue Matthew 27a

And when they had bound Him, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor. (v2)

* Christ walked through a world of misery and absurdity (v45). He faced humanity and spiritual darkness but note that Jesus never spoke one discouraging word in His life. As He knew at the end of the cross is resurrection!


* The situation in Ukraine is tense and some missionaries have left. The church in Ukraine has been thriving and growing, with young people dedicating themselves to God, willing to serve and preach. Friends of the Kiev Theological Seminary say the situation is not good but the Christians there are still focused on Christ and are a group of living witness. They are stocking up on food and water, ready to cope with the difficulties. Please pray for their peace.

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Hold Fast Until I Come!

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New Name Written on the Stone! – Ark Channel 11/12/2021 Sat Revelation 2

I know your… tribulations…. (v. 9)

* The seven churches represented churches at the end time. Some have left their love, chastised and exhorted by the Holy Spirit, and promised the fruits of the tree of life. There are also churches who suffer in other areas of the earth. They are exhorted to focus on the Lord, who is the First and the Last, dead and come to life. They are promised the crown of life!

Revelation 2

* Update from Kevin Hui / 沛鋒 , Church in Tokyo – the pandemic is slowing down. We have resumed our worship in person and online, getting busier than before. In Tokyo, it usually snows in late January. Our sermons were on Romans at year start, and then on Habakuk. Our church meetings are mainly in English, with a weekly attendance of 40-50. Among the congregation, over 10 are Japanese believers, and the rest are Chinese and English speakers. We have Chinese-French, Chinese-Japanese families. We are on our way to share the gospel in parks. Remember each other in prayers!

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They Are Necessary!

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Upon the less honorable bestow abundant honor! – Ark Channel 03/09/2021 Fri 1 Corinthians 12

…its parts should have equal concern for each other (v.25)

Grace is given by the power of the Holy Spirit (12-14):
1. We do what we excel at and do not compete. We work together and do not reject each other.
2. We build the body and do not only care about ourselves. Work faithfully and synergistically using the gifts given to us.

1Corithians 12

* Sri Lanka is going through its darkest COVID times. The death toll is about 200 a day. Let us pray for the churches here.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Friend of Sinners, Mighty Saviour!

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My God – the All Sufficient One! – Ark Channel 14/05/2021 Fri Luke 23a

Herod… plied him with many questions, but Jesus gave him no answer. (v.8-9)

* In the New Testament, the most sorrowful response Jesus gives is no response! Even to Judas and Pilate, the Lord spoke to turn them away from their sin, but to this person who was mired in his sin, the Lord stayed silent. Jesus uses silence to resist mankind’s insults; it is our example, and a warning to us too!

Luke 23:1-25

* From Ajith Fernando – The battle with COVID-19 in Sri Lanka is getting more & more serious. Several that we know have been affected with a few deaths also. Among my prayers is that the church, & especially YFC, would know how to sacrificially, boldly, & wisely witness to the gospel & be of service to our needy people. One thing we can all do is to pray earnestly. We have revamped my English YouTube channel. It deals with several key issues facing the church today – arkchannel pray

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Look Up For God’s Word!

Luke, Pray No Comments »

Glory or Shame Are All God’s Grace! Ark Channel 12/05/2021 Wed Luke 22b

And He came out and went, as was His habit, to the Mount of Olives… (v39)

The Role Model At Gethsemane (v39-46):
1. The disciples could not remain awake. Rely on God, not man!
2. Useless to think over the bitter cup, just pour out your sorrow alone to God!
3. Be clear about the will of God the Father, verify if not certain!

Luke 22:24-46

* Sister Myra Tong/HK who immigrated to the US died in a car accident. Her second sister Stella and family will fly more than 10 hours to the US and then drive an hour to Myra’s home to make arrangements. Stella’s daughter Helen will be the responsible administrator. Saints, please pray for her whole family. Faced with difficulties, may the Lord lead the way for them and give them support…

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Turn To Be Comforted!

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Why Not Ask? Why Not Divulge? Ark Channel 19/04/2021 Mon Luke 11a

Give us day by day our daily bread. (v3)

Brothers & Sisters, Show Your Pass!1.In teaching prayer, Jesus first addresses our Father in heaven. The most profound aspect of prayer is the relationship.
2. The relationship of father and child is our “special pass” to come close to our Creator.

Luke 11:1-28

* Our dear brother Winson Yau/邱海山 has rested in the Lord on 7 April in Strafford, England. He loved the Lord all his life, cared for the saints, keen to preach. He served in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for 25 years, started a Christian fellowship group and bible study and continued to serve after he immigrated to UK. Winson has finished his pilgrimage and is now with the Lord. May the Lord comfort and keep his family till reunion.

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Live a More Beautiful Life!

Matthew, Pray No Comments »

You Shall Call His Name Jesus! – Ark Channel 02/01/2021 Sat Matthew 1b

… for He will save His people from their sins. (v.21)

That the Lord’s word might be fulfilled!
1. The fulfilment of the Old Testament was mentioned in Matthew in at least 129 places.
2. Nothing is by chance that happens, is it? The history is all in the hand of our Saviour King.

Matthew 1:18-25

* From Dixon IP/葉特生 in LA – Hospitals here are crowded with Covid-19 patients. My medical appointment has turned online. The pandemic is making hospitals busy, but giving medical workers a break from their routine. Chronic patients refuse to go to hospitals. Doctors and nurses in non-Covid wards have little work to do, and take the initiative to show their care for patients, offering them online medical consultation. There are funny scenes too. The pandemic causes some to worry that they might look less respectable because few would attend their future funerals. Some had prepaid expensive funeral service fee for themselves, like paying an insurance premium, fearing that their own children might not be able to do so for them. It turned out that only a few could attend such funerals due to the pandemic. I think of a story about a missionary and a rich man. I like to share it here: The missionary was penniless when he died, but was welcomed by the angelic hosts in heaven; the rich man had a lavish funeral, but nobody knew him in heaven. So, how should we choose to live?

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Boasting in the Cross!

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Counsel in Heart Like Deep Water! – Ark Channel 101020 Sat Colossians 2

… who (He) is the head of all principality and power. (v. 10)

Christ is Above All!
1. The surpassing excellence and perfection of Christ–Conviction for Christ (Chapter 1-2)
2. Let Christ have the preeminence in all things – Living out Christ. (Chapters 3-4)

Colossians 2

* Popular pastor and writer Tim Keller is making some progress after six rounds of chemotherapy. He experienced the special presence of God. Brothers and sisters, do continue your prayers for him! Pray for Tim Keller

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Until HE Comes!

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With The Lord We Have Hope! Ark Channel 020920 Wed 1 Cor 11

And when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you… (v24)

A Meeting in Love – The Lord’s Supper:
1. Proclaim – the Lord shed His blood and died for us (v24-26)
2. Uninterrupted – in remembrance of the Lord until He comes (v26)
3. Anticipate – a meeting in hope of the Lord’s return (v26)

1 Corinthians 11

* Rev. KWOK Man-Chee/郭文池牧師 is experiencing fundus bleeding (in the eye) and will undergo fluorescein angiography on Thursday in preparation for surgery. Please pray for his eyes, his health and his serving.

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