Forget Not Your Grace!

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Time to harvest fruit is near! – Ark Channel 10/02/2023 Fri Matthew 21b

…the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes… (v.42)

* Christ is our cornerstone, our foundation, and our firm support. If our faith is built on favorable circumstances, human relationships, or spiritual shepherds, when things change our faith will collapse! If we build our lives on Jesus, nothing can disappoint us.

Matthew 21:1-22

* Book recommendation: “When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box” by John Ortberg. Ortberg reminds us that in the end, fame and fortune will all be gone, but our souls and our love for Christ and our neighbors will remain. John skillfully uses everyday events to remind us that God cares more about who we become than what we do for Him.

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