room Exile To Rest!

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This Is The True God And Eternal Life! Ark Channel 061222 Tue 1 John 5

And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. (v11)

* Father, help us to keep ourselves from idols, never take anything apart from You to be god – You alone are the true God and eternal life whom we worship!

1John 5

* Rev. Joshua TING / 陳世欽牧師 at the Toronto Conference Life Training for Disciples in Troubled Times/亂世中門徒的生命操練

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My Heart Awaits!

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No Fear In Love! Ark Channel 05/12/2022 Mon 1 John 4

… because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (v4)

* To think freedom is to choose what you want but in fact it is consumerism. Freedom in Christ is when we willingly set aside our rights and opinions out of love.

1John 4

* Fonny had a difficult childhood because her father’s business failed. In high school, a classmate prayed for each classmate by name including Fonny. Years later, she became a youth counsellor and preacher. She reconciled with her father, led him to be saved and baptized, enjoyed God’s saving grace. Praise the Lord!

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We Are Truly God’s Children! – Sunday Hope_04/12/2022 (1 John 3)

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We Shall Be Like Him When He is Revealed – Sunday Hope 041222 I John 3

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (v16)

* Three characteristics of God’s children: they are like God; they love their fellow Christians (v. 1-17); they have confidence toward God and people (v. 18-24)

1John 3

*Praise Dance: Do Not Worry

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Darkness Gone! True Light is Shining!

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He Who Loves His Brothers Abides in Light! – Ark Channel 03/12/2022 Sat I John 2

And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life. (v.25)

* God’s heart is full of compassion. He moves us to love and care for each other. His church acts in love and faith, yet such acts must be measured by God’s truth. Love which oversteps the boundaries of morality and God’s rules is toxic!

1John 2

* A couple deeply in love and in conflicts. See how they mend their brokenness and make miracles together.
Appointment Under the Rainbow, Testimony published in Chinese by Good News Communication International (相約在彩虹)

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So that your joy may be full!

John 1 No Comments »

Purify us from our unrighteousness! – Ark Channel 021222 Fri 1 John 1

God is light; in him there is no darkness at all… (v.5)

* There are many secrets in the world because we have so much darkness in our hearts. God is light; before Him, nothing can be hidden. To live happily, open up to Him honestly, and be in communion with Him. He will forgive our sins!

1John 1

* KK Leung/梁國權 speaks on Receiving by our Gifts/按才幹受托

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True God and Eternal Life!

John 1 No Comments »

I Am The First And The Last! Ark Channel 06/12/2021 Mon 1 John 5

The one who has the Son has the life…(v12)

3 Great Proclamations: God Is:
1. God is Light – Let us from now on be in the light (ch1-2)
2. God is Love – Let us forever be in love (ch3-4)
3. God is Life – Let us be godly, living in eternal life (ch5)

1John 5

* Message 1 of 3 in December Special Conference Focus – Not Fear

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Smile at Adversity. Be Trusted with Big Things! Sunday Hope_05/12/2021

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And God Abides in Him! – Ark Channel 051221 Sunday Hope I John 4

We love Him because He first loved us. (v. 19)

Final exhortation: Bear in mind two things:* Discern the spirit of truth and the spirit of error (v. 1-6). Love one another (v. 7-13) – love your brethren, love your spouse, love your neighbour!

1John 4

* Have the Lord in our heart! A beautiful hymn: Christ is Mine Forevermore

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He Laid Down His Life for Us!

John 1 No Comments »

We Should Love One Another! – Ark Channel 04/12/2021 Sat

… when He is revealed, we shall be like Him…. (v2)

O We are the children of God!
*We are born of God. Surely we shall be like Him (vv. 1-8), and we ought to love our brothers (vv. 9-17). All the more our heart should stay steady and fear no storms (vv. 18-24). Heavenly Father, we are forever in Your hands!

1John 3

* An Interview with Rev Paul Shen/沈保羅牧師 arkchannel sharing

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Brotherly Love in the Light!

John 1 No Comments »

We have been anointed by the Holy One! – Ark Channel 03/12/2021 Fri 1 John 2

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. (v20)

* Oh Lord Jesus, we thank You! You are our guarantor, You give a new command, so that we may love God and our brothers, and have victory over the evil one. Please help me pay close attention to Your Word, pay close attention to the Holy Spirit’s movement and prohibitions until You come!

1John 2

* Letter from South Africa: CHEN Fei/陳飛 immigrated to South Africa’s Masero, but after moving there, his relationship with his wife turned bad. Thankfully, faith in Christ brought a blessing to their home! “Bible Guided Tour”

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God Is Light!

John 1 No Comments »

The Life Was Manifested! Ark Channel 02/12/2021 Thu 1 John 1

…in him there is no darkness at all… (v.5)

* The theme of 1 John is that we live by Jesus! Let us always confess our sins, walk in the light, and be true children of God!

1John 1

* Living things live by an approximately 24-hr cycle. Chemical reactions in cells work like clockwork, and also like a dynamical program. Mysteries, such as sleep and activity cycles, keep life moving. We may ask: Who was the great initiator of all of this?

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Hardships are Blessings in Disguise! Sunday Hope_06/12/2020

John 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Lay Down Our Lives for the Brethren! Sunday Hope 061220 I John 5

… that you may know that you have eternal life (v13)

With God we have hope!

1. Have a thorough understanding of the vicissitudes of life. Those without God are totally hopeless!
2. All empty rituals without God are idolatries. Have a pure heart and finish our heavenly journey!

1 John 5

* Rev. Gordon Siu/蕭壽華牧師 is discharged from hospital, 10 days after his cardiac surgery. It has been a hard time. But God has protected him in various ways. Let us pray for his recovery and ministry work! Listen to this Cantonese sermon by him on encouragement (He will always rejoice who looks up to the Lord’s lovingkindness)

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Humility Comes Before Honour!

John 1 No Comments »

Because God First Loved Us! – Ark Channel 051220 Sat I John 4

… we also ought to love one another (v11)

Brotherly love in affection and acts of kindness (Ch 1-4)
1. Knowing that God is light, God is love, God is life,
2. We should then oppose all that is dark, evil and breeds hatred!

1 John 4

* Eye on His world. Preach to amplify His work. A rich collection of sermon videos by Brother Samuel Ching/程蒙恩

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Do what is pleasing to Him!

John 1 No Comments »

Be called the children of God! – Ark Channel 041220 Fri 1 John 3

No one who lives in him keeps on sinning… (v.6)

You’ve got to know …

1. …God is coming, that our bodies will become glorious like His. Do know that He came down and was crucified for our sins (Ch. 3 v.2,5)
2. …Those who harbour hatred have no life; know that the Lord, who sacrificed His life for us, is love! (Ch. 3 v.15,16)
3. …Loving one another is the truth; know that God is bigger than our hearts, that He knows everything! (Ch. 3 v.19,20)
4. …The Holy Spirit dwells in us, helping us to experience God. (Ch. 3 v.20)

1 John 3

* A new story from Good News: It is good to be home, and there’s a miracle too:
arkchannel sharing

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That Inseparable Love!

John 1 No Comments »

Darkness will fade; the light is shining! – Ark Channel 031220 Thu 1 John 2

He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins… (v.2)

The way of life in 1 John:
1. This is the Apostle John’s experience in Christ. He loved the Lord and knew His character.
2. Do we know deeply that the Lord is life, light, love, and righteousness? The way to a rich life is union with the Lord!

1 John 2

* Modern life is complicated; check out some Lessons for Living: (Heavenly Voice Foundation)

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Walk In The Light!

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The Life Was Revealed! Ark Channel 021220 Wed 1 John 1

…God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. (v5)

Who Walks In The Light?
1. Are we willing to confess our sins before God?
2. Are we willing to confess our sins before men?
* When was the last time we humbly and honestly confessed before God?

1 John 1

* (continued) Mail from Scotland: When we arrived in UK, it was difficult to rent a place without a job. But the Lord helped us find a place! The night we moved in, the neighbor downstairs played rock music till after midnight. Even the floor vibrated and we could not sleep. Early in the morning we continued to have free music for 20 hours, two nights in a row! On the 3rd night, the whole family prayed for help from the Lord and for our neighbour. Amazingly the floor below started to calm down and up to now, we could sleep well. With prayer we experience God’s grace. Praise the Lord! ~ Alex (Glasgow)

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Greatest Prayer of All – “Let Thy Will Be Done”!

Everyday New Testament, John 1 No Comments »
And this is the boldness which we have toward him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: (v14)

Proof of Eternal Life

1. The boldness in praying – One blessed with eternal life is marked with his boldness in asking freely, assured that our heavenly father will hear. (v13-15)

2. Christ’s protection – Christians know for sure that they are exposed to evil enemies and at the same time under protection of the great Almighty.  (v18)

Scripture of the day (NT): I John 5


* Session 4 in November Special Conference, Nov 27, Jesus As A Perfect Man – His Faithfulness in Accomplishing the Will of God (by Bro. James CHU朱永毅) in Mandarin/Cantonese translation

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* And when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, … he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. (Daniel 6:10)

Daniel 4-6: Daniel prayed as usual as he did aforetime. This is his test on God a second time – Is God really watching over him!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

God’s Word Made the World, His Son Saved the World!

Everyday New Testament, John 1 No Comments »
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (v10)

Immeasurable the Love of God

1. He sent His only begotten son – God of no limits, keeps nothing for Himself and pours His love onto men of the world, throughout time and space. (v9)

2. He sent His Holy Spirit  – The Holy Spirit enlightens us to abide in Him close in our heart, to realize that He is everywhere in our daily living. (v13)

Scripture of the day (NT) : I John 4


* Phone call from Patrick & Linda YIP/偉文夫婦Cambridge/UK. We are all well in the Lord. Linda is recovering well. The Church in Cambridge is thriving and in peace! We have a lot scholars and overseas students in our campus neighborhood where the Lord works wonders! Patrick met a newly arrived Cambridge student who kept on asking where one would go after death! Patrick invited him to a nano specialist’s talk on faith in the Lord. The student was much inspired and is attending Bible study now. Please remember our meetings in Cambridge and pray that many more be saved!


*  But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king’s dainties, nor with the wine which he drank: …. (Daniel 1:8a)

Daniel 1-3: Daniel’s life begins with his “purpose in his heart”. This is his first test on God – is God truly faithful that we can depend on!

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When Death Blocks Our Eyes, We See the Glory Behind the Veil!

Everyday New Testament, John 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »
Beloved, now are we children of God, and it is not yet made manifest what we shall be. We know that, if he shall be manifested, we shall be like him; for we shall see him even as he is. (v2)

To Be Children of God

1. Our future – Now we are children of God, we shall be like Him and as such, our daily living should manifest God in us. (v2)

2. Our seal – If man can recognize what fruit from the tree, likewise, our acts should manifest that we are children of God. (v10)

Scripture of the day (NT) : I John 3


Dear brother & fellow saints,

I am encouraged by the sharing – to help by calling 999. Many times, we really just turn our eyes away from helping others. Pray that we have a heart of compassion like Jesus. Please also pray for Bro. SK LAW/羅新強弟兄,HK and his mother. Her operation was done but further treatment is needed. In the next 2-3 months she can only see things with her left eye. She is feeling weak from the surgery…. Let’s continue to support them through prayers that the Lord blesses her with strength and salvation. Sister Grace YUNG/鳴恩


* The Vision of Book of Ezekiel – Overview 〈 Video 〉

God’s glory travels and traverses throughout history, bringing hope to heavenward pilgrims who are today living on earth.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

His Faith – Quality of a Saint, His Acts – Seal of a Saint!

Everyday New Testament, John 1 No Comments »
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; (v4)

If Any Man Sin

1. Work of Christ – He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Now God in the Most Holey place behind veil declares to sinners of the whole world, “You can come in now!” (v1-2)

2. Living of Saints – God is not interested in what “man says”. He looks at how we live our life – a righteous living. (v29)

Scripture of the day (NT) : I John 2


* Message in November Special Conference, Nov 27, Session 3 by Bro. TK TSE/謝德建 in Mandarin/Cantonese translation Jesus As A Perfect Man – His Ministry – By The Power of the Holy Spirit

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*  ….. and the name of the city from that day shall be, Jehovah is there. (Ezekiel 48:35b)

Ezekiel 46-48: Every detail in the new temple, new city, new land expresses God’s attention toward holiness and orderliness, bearing the mainline message for His demand on holiness.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

God Gladly Saves, But the Process of Salvation Is Not Taken Lightly!

Everyday New Testament, John 1 No Comments »
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (v.9)

Attitude in Confession

1. The Effect of the Blood — Cleansing by His Blood is ongoing; it pertains to both the religious and moral aspects of our life, and extends to every sin in our everyday life. (v.7)

2. The Grace of Forgiveness — Do not abuse confession — The mechanism of God’s forgiveness of sin is not love, but His faithfulness and righteousness. (v.9)

Scripture of the Day (NT): 1 John 1


* Vision Of the Book of Ezekiel — Allotment of the New Holy Land (video)

The principle of allotment is to divide equitably amongst each other, with the City of Jehovah within.


* …this is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet. This is where I will live among the Israelites forever.…(Ezekiel 43:7)

Ezekiel 43-45 : The Glory of God returned to the Holy Temple in the Holy City after it had left, symbolizing that He was living amongst His people once again.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

He Remains Faithful ?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that has the Son has life: <5:12>

Know and pray and save —- pray for your brothers!
1. Right to pray: God will listen And if we know that he hears uswhatever we ask we know that we have what we asked of him<5:15>
2. Focus of prayers: saving lives …If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life. <5:16>

?Sze Yan ??, BB of Billy ?Sandy Law ( HK) , has pneumonia and is in hospital. Pls pray for this devoted family.?in Dec, harvest of gsoepl will reach the peak across the lands. Pray for each other!?
?made covenants with God? Im reading the bibliography The Life of Dr. A. B. Simpson. achievements of Dr. Simpson fruitful,-on preaching, charity, publishing, education, music, missionary and spiritual lifeGod used him to establish global gospel work of Alliance Church, which influenced the world deeply. He made a covenant with God early and dedicated his life for Lord. He asked the Lord to give him neither poverty nor riches, but give him only his daily bread (Prov 30:8). Afterward he relied on Lord completely , spiritually or materially. He was blessed for 60+ years .

In Safe Hands ?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

Love truly and deeply — Life without fear :
1. Love God whom is invisible ?v.718?
2. Love the brothers whom we can see?v.1921?

?The HK Economic Times reported that in 05 , the trend of “living together” before marriage was intensified. Having babies before marriage is also popular there are 4,000 babies born last year by the unwed ! watch & pray for the next generation! Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street. (La 2:19)

His Two Appearings

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
See what love the Father has given to us, that we should be called the children of God <3:1>

Appearing of Gods Son — accomplish 2 tasks:
1. To take away our sins?v.46?
2. To destroy the devils work?v.78?

?A friend used to quarrel and even fight with his wife. Once his wife was invited to a gospel meeting and brought home a Bible. He thought of origins of the universe and life, so he peeped at the first chapter of Genesis. After this he turned to Jesus and his fate changed!
?Gospel meeting – HK – From Weary and Burdened to Life of Joy ( HK-8/12 (Fri) evening) , please pray and save as many as you can!
?Brother K. Y. Ng??? in HK is recovering from his operation.

Thankful, Joyful, Hopeful?

John 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
but he that does the will of God abides for eternity. <2:17>

Light from darkness, light of life?2:8??
1. Darkness is passing We can only wait in the transition from darkness to light. Dont be disappointed!
2. True light is shining Like the drops of sunray infiltrating the dark sky, the power of gospel is now surging in our inner world!

?Sister Helen Yeung who met Jesus in HK and has moved to NY later , gave birth to her second daughter Kayla in Thanksgiving . May the Lord keep her & make great use of her family in NY!
?Bro K. W. Tongs ??? wife in HK has an operation yesterday, may the Lord remember her recovery.

Walk in Light ?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. <1:5>

Waiting for what? — Out of darkness and into light:
1. He who cover his sins shall not prosper ?v.15?8?10; Proverbs 28:13?
2. But those say openly that they done wrong will be forgiven? v.7?9?

?Light of the world In these days Im reading the book Under the Influence. Prof. Alvin J.Schmidt specializing in Sociology wrote this book with his in-depth researches, rich materials, sparkling, humorous style of writing. He showed us the significant contributions of Christianity on various aspects including legal system, history, ethics, education, economics, politics, science, arts, engineering, medicine, charities, architecture, music worth reading.

He is True?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that has the Son has life: <5:12>

Live brightly, love splendidly, believe at ease — 5 main topics of I John:
1. Value the eternal life ?1:2?
2. Let the joy be full always ?1:4?
3. Never sin intentionally ?2:1?
4. Abide in the Father and the Son ?2:24?
5. Be certain that we have eternal life ?5:13?

?Last night we had a late celebration of Thanksgiving, 80 people old & young. A sister learnt to drive , she passed exam , and also brought the driving teacher & his wife to Jesus. The driving teacher also witnessed that his friend got involved in a lawsuit. He learnt to pray for his friend . Finally God saved his friend. A newly-wed couple have their things stolen during honey moon, but Lord sent angels to protect them. A wife has her Japanese husband believed Jesus with his heart. Several families have babies, and have peace granted fr God in busy times. A family with their house broken in by gansters, but God protect the children. A brother had operation in maniland China, but he brought a fellow patient to Jesusthanks the Lord in whatever situation!
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