Eagerly Await The Kingdom of God! 27/03/2023 Mon Mark 15b
…Even those who were crucified with Him reviled Him. (v32)
* The Lord bore our suffering and reconciled man to God. Have we suffered for the sake of the gospel and witnessed for the Lord? Are we steadfastly serving under God’s mighty hand?
* Pastor Dorothy Wong/黃學齡牧師 mentioned in her “Personal Evangelism Kit/個人佈道錦囊” a brother who had a calling from God, but hesitated to respond. One night he dreamed of a large lake of fire with many people crying for help, including his family …. He woke up in sweat and without hesitation he started to serve full-time and was used by God (Ark Note: Subjective experience varies from person to person, but in general, God’s Word is as clear as heaven, and simply following the Lord’s Word is more important)
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