I Will Not Leave You Orphans!

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I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life! Ark Channel 13/06/2022 Mon John 14a

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (v1)

* Jesus left us His grace which are the four great gifts: Holy Spirit (v25-26), Peace (v27), Joy (v28) and Steadfastness (v29)!

John 14:1-14

* Nobel Peace Prize laureate Albert Schweitzer, during a time of intense war in Europe, said, “The shadow of war has fallen over Europe and many lives have been lost under fire. I am grateful to God for the grace of being able to save the sick in Africa”. Do we know how to be thankful for being able to help people in a peaceful place and live in peace? , … Foreshadow of life… play our part well.


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