Father, I Thank You!

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Jesus Wept! Ark Channel 08/06/2022 Wed John 11b

Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” (v40)

* As Lazarus died, a scene of despair became an opportunity to manifest Christ’s resurrection power. The evil men plot to kill Jesus but the conspiracy indirectly enabled God’s eternal purpose to be fulfilled.

John 11:28-57

* The average life expectancy of a mayfly is less than one day. In medieval Europe, the average life expectancy of man was less than 25 years. Recently the world’s longest living person, Kako Tanaka, died at the age of 119. Pray that God teaches us how to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. , … Foreshadow of life… play our part well.


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