If He Repents, Forgive Him! – Sunday Hope_01/05/2022

Luke, Sunday Hope Add comments

Increase My Faith, Lord! – Sunday Hope 01/05/2022 Luke 17a

… when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’ (v10)

* As servants of God, we should take these mental attitudes in our earthy life: a heart of forgiveness, a heart to serve, a heart of gratitude, and a heart of watchfulness. Do our duty and wait for the Lord’s return. (v. 1-6/7-10/11-19/20-37)


* Zach Williams, a gospel singer, was once lost to drugs and lived in darkness. His life is now changed. Listen to his new song to those enslaved.
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