Leave yesterday with Jesus

Jude, Voice Divine Add comments
Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life <1:21>

God will keep those fear Him — survival kit in this dangerous world?v.20…21?:
1. Facing lies in the last hours … study the Word hard throughout your life? v.20a?
2. Facing dangers everywhere … remember to pray always in the Spirit? v.20b?
3. Guarding against selfishness … keep your heart be filled with God’s love? v21a?
4. Guarding against pride … wait for Lord’s mercy till that day? v.21b?

?In gospel meeting yesterday night the brother pointed out that people don’t suffer from lack of rest today , but from lack of inner peace. We all have 3 burdens : frustration, worrying, and lost; but the Lord can free us, grant us peace and give us direction. (Rom 8:2, Phil 4:6-7, 2 Tim 4:6-8) In another gospel dinner yesterday night 300+ elders listened to the Lord’s gracious words. An old entrepreneur C. M. Kwan??? gave his testimony. He was once a core member of Taoism and was active in Taoist activities. But after he met Jesus and turned to the true God . He found his soul rejoice, and also protected in a car accident.

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