Be of Same Mind!

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Accept One Another! – Ark Channel 20/08/2021 Fri Romans 15

We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. (v.1)

We can only love one another when we learn to put ourselves down:
1. Imitate Christ, solely desiring to strengthen others. (v.1-6)
2. By God’s grace and faithfulness, we live each day. (v.7-13)

Romans 15

* Letter from Toronto – Life is not easy, and there are many things that are irritating. By God’s grace and blessings, I have lived till 98 years of age. When I was younger I experienced the Sino-Japanese war, the Chinese Civil War, two natural disasters, and more. To live till this long is already a miracle. My maternal grandfather and my mother were Western doctors, both Christians; while fleeing they never stopped praying around the family. I was influenced by them, and Christ had already entered into my heart. By the Lord, we have come through many tribulations. I am praying for you, and greet everyone. May we, in Christ, gain glory, peace and joy. ~Sis. Chiu.

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