If We Are Not Salt, We Will Become Salt Pillars!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
The Price Of Not Following The Lord Is Heavy! – Ark Channel 020514 Fri Luke 17b
…Remember Lot’s wife. (v.32)

Salt Pillar – A Mark Of Shame And Warning:

1. Those who hanker after this world will be swallowed by it.
2. Those who plough while looking backwards are not fit to enter the Kingdom of God.

Scripture of the Day (NT):Luke 17b

* A small booklet saved a family – when her family was disintegrating and her son was reveling in drugs, she only had one wish: to die. After 7 years of prayer, how did her drug-dealer son become reborn?
Text: Article in Chinese / View on: YouTube In Mandarin

* But David said, “You shall not do so, my brothers, with what the Lord has given us. He has preserved us… (1 Samuel 30:23)
1 Samuel 29-31: However much a man can accommodate others is however much he may lead. That is how David stood above other men.

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