A Crown Of Life Is Laid Up For Him!

Luke, Voice Divine Add comments
Revere Wholeheartedly All For That Day! – Ark Channel 100514 Sat Luke 21b
… , and that day will (not) come on you suddenly like a trap (v34b)

Behold! He Descends From The Clouds Bringing With Him Power And Glory

1. Do remember that the prophecy concerning the Lord’s Return is the most important and the most frequently mentioned.
2. Do wait with vigilance and do not obey the desire in flesh in pursuing vanities of the world lest you will suffer loss.

Scripture of the Day (NT): Luke 21b

* (from Singapore) Bro. WM Dong/董偉穆 recounts his time following Pastor Bakht Singh around India and Sri Lanka to visit the churches there, witnessing God’s miraculous work. The most memorable part was Pastor Singh living with the elders, sharing hardship. Every morning at around 4 or 5 am, they would wake up, pray together, pray earnestly… One of the reasons why the church in India is flourishing today.

* But I counsel that all Israel be surely gathered to you, from Dan even to Beersheba, …, and that you personally go into battle. (II Samuel 17:11)
II Samuel 16-17: Self seeking for glory is a defect in Absolom’s character, which in the end, caused him to fall into a trap of his own.

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