Love & Forgiveness Refreshes The Heart!

Philemon Add comments

For The Sake Of Christ! Ark Channel 031120 Tue Philemon 1

But if he has wronged you in any way or owes you anything, charge that to my account (v18)

With Great Love, Obey God’s Will, Show Kindness:
1. Onesimus, a slave escaped to Rome, met Paul and heard the gospel. On behalf of Onesimus, Paul appealed to his former master to forgive and accept him in love and justice.
2. Who does not have a broken and embarrassing past? But Jesus, our Mediator, intercedes for us, and with God’s grace and sovereignty, brings us a refreshing new life.


* In the Haystack Evangelical Movement of the late 80s, the students rushed in and the Lord rose up J.R. Mott and 100+ youth. In only 2 years, over 2000 students spread God’s love and peace in all corners of the world. Mott was awarded a Nobel peace prize for his peace-promoting work. . We are still waiting for the Lord’s return to wipe away our tears.

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