Jun 02
How lovely is your dwelling place! – Ark Channel 02/06/2022 Thu John 8b
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (v.36)
* Christ’s truth and teaching will bring freedom. This is also the measure by which we use our freedom. Studying, reflecting, trusting, obeying, and executing His word will lead us away from Satan and sin.
John 8:31-59
* Chinatown’s Pastor Uncle Sam broke away from gangs and drugs and turned to Jesus. A miraculous conversion of a legendary person:
Video link
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Jun 01
I Trust In You, O LORD! Ark Channel 01/06/2022 Wed John 8a
…He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” (v7)
* How we need the light of life to shine into the darkness of our heart. The light of Christ makes us see our sin and confess, a broken and contrite heart can be forgiven.
John 8:1-30
* Flowers blossom in spring not only due to the warmer weather but also because they have gone through the low temperature. Botanists discover seeds will not blossom if they remain in 20+°C for a long time. Only when they go through a cold temperature will they blossom. This is a law of life!
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May 31
Water Of The World Never Satisfies! Ark Channel 31/05/2022 Tue John 7b
On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. (v37)
* To celebrate the harvest, water was drawn from the ancient pool of Siloam for 7 days during the Feast of the Tabernacles. On the last day, the Sabbath, when the pouring stopped, Jesus declared that He is the living water! Christ is the rock in the wilderness, struck down for us, from which the living water of salvation flows!
John 5:19-47
* Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, once saw a car broken down by the road and he went to help. Ford said, “I can help you because I designed your car!” We are created by God. If anything goes wrong, don’t forget to discuss with our Creator!
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May 30
My Heart Is Like A Watered Garden! Ark Channel 30/05/2022 Mon John 7a
Jesus answered them and said, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me. (v16)
* Want to enjoy the living water of the Holy Spirit? The secret is to remain “thirsty”, to have compassion for others, to humbly serve and to live out the Word of God. This way, rivers of living water will flow from our hearts.
John 7:1-24
* The shooting in the Texas school is heartbreaking and we pray for the families and community to get through the pain. In the aftermath, a number of pastors rushed to comfort the families, and one pastor, who was close to the teachers and students, was interviewed and
hailed local community as ‘a light that shines in the darkness’
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May 29
He Who Lusts Less Has More! – Sunday Hope 29/05/2022 John 6b
… The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. (v. 63)
* O Lord, we are often hungry and thirsty. But You are the true bread from heaven to satisfy us and provide for us. You are the navigator of our life when we are braving the storms. You go up the mountain and pray for us. We love you, Lord Jesus!
John 6:52-71
* New Heaven and New Earth , Russian hymn with English subtitles, by Simon Khorolskiy
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May 28
Lord, Give Us This Bread Always! – Ark Channel 28/05/2022 Sat John 6b
Do not labour for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, …. (v. 27)
* Build our life values on eternal things. Jesus uses food to illustrate our pursuit of values. God gives us the eternal life—Christ. Are we investing our best on our eternal Lord and His work?
John 6:22-51
生死邊緣 (On the Verge of Life and Death) – A testimony in Chinese of how a commendable couple overcomes a hopeless situation. If we know how to give thanks, suffering is not such a scary thing.
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May 27
The name of the Lord is a fortified tower! – Ark Channel 27/05/2022 Fri John 6a
Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. (v.11)
* In life, we need to see the miracles of 5 fish and 2 loaves, becoming filled by the Lord; in difficult and trying times, we need even more Jesus to come and calm the storm. Hand it to Him, tell it to Him, this is what it takes to experience miracles!
John 6:1-21
* R.C. Sproul : Before the Beginning: The Aseity of God . Words of wisdom and inspiration!
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May 26
Crossed over from death to life! – Ark Channel 26/05/2022 Thu John 5b
Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life… (v.24)
* Our Lord is the Lord of mercy, healing, and eternal life! As the Father is working, the Son is also working. May the Lord give us a heart of mercy, to work with Him!
John 5:19-47
* Recently some have been pushing forward a “do good” movement, to do one good thing each day: treat oneself well, treat those whom you love well, to do good to strangers and those you disagree with, the environment, neighbors, and elderly… when we do good by the Lord, we will reap a harvest!
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May 25
Talk Up Your Bed And Walk! Ark Channel 25/05/2022 Tue John 5a
…“See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.” (v14)
* Do we have bitterness, deficiencies and despair? Tell God “I want to be made well” and trust in Him. Our Lord will grant you peace!
John 5:1-18
* Trees know how to grow peacefully, helping each other, and a good teacher for humans. The roots of trees intertwine and through the bacteria in the roots share water and nutrients. Tree is a sophisticated air-conditioning system. A 5m diameter canopy tree with lush foliage can evaporate 100 litres of water a day in the sun, three times more than a hotel air-conditioning system. Appreciate the wonders of creation and be kind to the people and trees around us.
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May 24
Lifted His Hands To Bless Them Ark Channel 24/05/2022 Tue John 4b
But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” (v32)
* To do the will of God is our food, nourishes and satisfies our spiritual life. During the harvest, men thirst. Let us draw on spiritual food for strength to complete our mission in the midst of a rich harvest.
John 4:27-54
* Psalm 16 (Special meeting for the elderly, message from Bro. T.K. Chia /謝德建 from Vancouver)
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May 23
Examine and Test Me, Refine My Heart! Ark Channel 23/05/2022 Mon John 4a
but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.… (v14)
* In the heat of midday in the Middle East, Jesus was weary from walking yet He broke the taboo, waited and showed compassion for the broken hearted. He revealed Himself as the living water that truly satisfies our hearts.
John 4:1-26
* Uncle Lam has gone through major changes in the world, disasters. industrial accidents, typhoons and ship wrecks…But he miraculously survived, knowing that God is the One in charge of his life and was baptised. Looking back on his life, he could only say, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
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May 22
Only the Living God Can Do God’s Work! Sunday Hope 22/05/2022 John 3b
He must become greater. And I must become less important. (v. 30)
* Spiritual growth is measured by the increasing influence of Christ’s life in our heart, and the gradual decrease of our old self. When we display the virtues of Christ more and more in this world, our old manner of life will grow dim day by day!
John 3:22-36
* Hymn in Mandarin, by Chicago Chinese Christian Chorale 十字架 (Near the Cross)
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May 21
Whoever Believes on Him Will Not Be Put to Shame! – Ark Channel 21/05/2022 Sat John 3a
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (v. 3)
* Christians experience in their first birth an old life, a life of the flesh. In their second birth, they receive a new life of the Holy Spirit! All who confess their sins and receive Jesus into their heart will be born again!
John 3:1-21
* An elderly lady in Louisiana, , US, passed away at the age of 84. Her belongings were put up for auction. Somebody bought an old painting of hers at US$2 and found out it was the work of Picasso. It is such a pity that this lady did not know about the treasure she had her whole life! Are we careless about Christ like this lady? Or do we regard Christ as our treasure?
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May 20
They have no more wine! – Ark Channel 20/05/2022 Fri John 2
…but you have saved the best till now! (v.10)
* Miracles showcase the Lord of Life’s eternal status and power (1:19-12), providing for and satisfying all of humanity’s deficiencies and insufficiencies. Records of glory (Ch. 13-20) record the true Way and God’s eternal will spoken in the house, prayer in the Garden, and passion and resurrection!
John 2:1-25
* Pastor XZ Wu/吳獻章牧師 speaks on “ Choosing sides in eternity – a tale of two cities ” – HK Bible Conference 2021
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May 19
Come and follow me! – Ark CHannel 19/05/2022 Thu John 1b
…Look, the Lamb of God! (v. 36)
* If we recognize that Christ is the true God, the Way, and the Light, then we will see Jesus, follow Jesus, and stay with Jesus, and live with Him at the center of our lives!
John 1:19-51
* Life is full of accidents. Read about how a widow experienced her husband’s and family’s sudden death:
Suffering Is Never for Nothing
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May 18
The Life Was The Light Of Men Ark Channel 18/05/2022 Wed John 1a
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,… (v14)
* A world without God is dark. The king of the world reigned in men’s hearts. Civilisation is a history of blood, tears and war. But the Gospel of John begins and ends with a focus on Christ, full of grace and truth and a union by faith with this true light of life.
John 1:1-28
* Falling snowflakes from the sky blankets the soil like a warm down quilt, preventing the heat of the soil from escaping and allowing the microbes to survive and small animals to hibernate in their burrows. Praise God!
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Jun 28
Lord, Have I Spent For Thee? Ark Channel 28/06/2021 Mon John 21b
…Jesus said to him, “Tend My sheep. (v17)
1. Previously Jesus gave the disciples a rich catch of fish. The new work ahead is to be fishers of people. In life’s different circumstances, manifest life’s salvation and transformation.
2. Through us, believers, the tabernacle is extended, revealing God among the people, still working through His grace.
John 21:15-25
* Historian Eusebius‘ record: Once John in the vicinity of Ephesus brought a young man to Christ. Afterwards, the young man made some bad acquaintances and became a leader of bandits in the mountain. John went up the mountain and deliberately let the bandits catch him. When the young man recognised John, he ran away in shame. Old John said, “…If you want, I am willing to die for you. Christ sent me to find you…” The young man put down his weapon and wept bitterly. He followed John down the mountain and became a true Christian. This is John’s love and also the love of Christ.
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Jun 27
Fear Not, Our Lord is Still Here! Sunday Hope 27/06/2021 John 21a
… Children, have you any food? (v. 5)
* Jesus has prepared the fire of coals, and fed us with fish and bread. He waited till we have regained our strength, and asked us three times, “Do you love me?” Have we ever thought about the painstaking efforts of our Lord to restore and make us whole?
John 21:1-24
* A hymn from the heart More Love to Thee O Lord(愛祢更深 ) by singer Charis Chua/蔡佳靈 from Malaysia. May the Lord fulfil this wish.
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Jun 26
This is the Eternal Life! – Ark Channel 26/06/2021 Sat John 20b
… and that believing you may have life in His name. (v. 31)
* We have the Lord of resurrection, and we are in the eternal kingdom. We have the Lord’s life in us, overcoming the stormy world. We have peace at heart, and the eternal life!
John 20:19-31
* Video recording of closing session, Hong Kong Bible Conference 2020 — message on Ephesians by Rev. KWOK Man-chee /郭文池牧師
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Jun 25
You Have Received the Holy Spirit! – Ark Channel 25/06/2021 Fri John 20a
* In desperate situations, let us see the empty tomb, the risen Saviour, the peace from Him, and live out the faith that comes from a life bounded to Heaven!
John 20:1-18
* Sis. Phoebe HUANG/黃嘉千姊妹 shares with tears: Breaking the walls of her heart, she repairs her relationship with her father. arkchannel sharing
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Jun 24
Suffer Is But a While, Steadfast in Obeying God’s Will! – Ark Channel 24/06/2021 Thu John 19b
Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. (v.34)
* Behold, the slain lamb, the King on the Cross! The Saviour’s experience on the cross fulfilled the words of Scripture: not one of His bones will be broken! In man’s eyes, the Lord’s death was lamentable; in God’s eyes, the Lord’s death gave life – the purpose is divine!
John 19:23-42
* As fire refines, in God’s hands we burn but are not consumed, we glorify God! Hear Dr. R.C. Sproul speak on The Meaning of the Burning Bush
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Jun 23
It Is Finished! Ark Channel 23/06/2021 Wed John 19a
“I am thirsty.” (v28)
* When Jesus said, “I am thirsty”, He was of clear mind. He remembers the Scripture (Psalm 69:21). It tells of His divinity and triumph over suffering. We don’t want to quench thirst with the world’s methods. In suffering, the Lord is there with us and we can triumph through Him.
John 19:1-22
* In suffering? Hongjie Yu/于宏潔 tells us to remember 3 Things in Suffering.
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Jun 22
To Testify To The Truth! Ark Channel 22/06/2021 Tue John 18b
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world…” (v36)
* The Lord’s kingdom is not of this world. HE is the king of the spiritual kingdom. His kingship is not based on force but on love to conquer people’s hearts.
John 18:19-40
* Edifying words from the late Bible scholar – golden apple in the silver net arkchannel sharing
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Jun 21
Preaching God’s Kingdom Everywhere! Ark Channel 21/06/2021 Mon John 18a
…“Put the sword into the sheath; the cup which the Father has given Me, am I not to drink it?” (v11)
The Lord’s bitter cup we cannot drink; but in His suffering, His grace flows abundantly. If you and I know God’s will, are we still willing to proceed?
John 18:1-18
** Ah Zhu travelled to the US and started a restaurant in San Francisco. His ambition caused him to be heavily in debt. Then, he met Mr.Fang, a Christian, who helped him manage his accounts and he was able to financially recover his shop. Ah Zhu believed in Jesus and served his brothers and sisters as a chef. arkchannel sharing
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Jun 20
I Sanctify Myself! – Sunday Hope 20/06/2021 John 17b
Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, … (v. 24)
* O Lord, let our relationship with God our Father take priority, help us do everything for Your glory, to humble ourselves and uphold oneness, to stay away from evil, to be sanctified by the truth, and to experience the love and faithfulness of God our Father.
John 17:14-26
* From the heart of our Father’s beloved children, note the gratitude lyrics to our Father, sung in Cantonese: arkchannel hymns
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Jun 19
Keep Them in Oneness! Ark Channel 19/06/2021 Sat John 17a
And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. (v3)
* The final prayer of Jesus tells us what is deep in His heart: He prayed for Himself; He prayed for His disciples; He also prayed for their disciples (v.1-5 / 6-19 / 20-26). He desired our oneness, that the evil one would leave us, that we would be sanctified by the truth!
John 17:1-13
* Gerontology has now become an important agenda for countries. See some insights from the Bible: What the Bible says about the ageing process (聖經對老年的經歷)
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