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Beware Of Heresy! Ark Channel 21/03/2023 Tue Mark 13a

For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and will deceive many. (v6)

* Cults take advantage of people’s curiosity about end-time omens to distort and confuse them. The historian Josephus recorded that several false Christs appeared in the forty years before the destruction of the Holy City. Anyone who claims to be the Christ, God’s only spokesman, must be a dangerous person!

Mark 13:1-13

* My Sunday school students (2) – Brothers and sisters shared the gospel with Wen’s aunt by video phone and she looked forward to the call everyday! Later her aunt passed away but she was saved. Looking back, I was like the “two pennies” able to teach Sunday school with my limited Mandarin! God wants to finish His work and even me, with little faith, can intercede for others! ~ Ken, Silicon Valley.

* arkchannel – copyright *

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