Bought at a Price!

Corinthians 1 Add comments

Glorify God in Your Body! – Ark Channel 27/08/2022 Sat I Co 6

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…? (v19)

* We have been “bought by God at a price” (v. 20). Since then, we should orient our words and deeds to glorify God. We are “bought at a price” — how costly the redemption is! We were once enslaved to sins. Now we are ransomed to be the bondservants of God. Our life should be spent to glorify God!

1Corithians 6:1-20

* Prayer request from elderly Sister Chiu / 趙師母, Toronto – Dear brothers and sisters, in an arranged medical check and CT scan, a tumour was found in my liver. I am not sure if it is benign or malignant. I don’t plan to have another round of lab test however…. I sometimes feel pain in my right abdomen, and I will take painkillers. Now I have swelling and leaky legs. Appetite is not good. Frequent urination. My eyesight is getting worse. I feel tired and need to sleep often. But I am satisfied if I can stay on like the present. (Note: Sister Chiu is 99. She loves God and has a passion to share the gospel. She is a long-time reader of the Ark Channel. This is her plea for saints’ prayers for her to experience the transcendent peace of God.)

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