I’d Rather Have Knowledge Than Gold!

Luke Add comments

Grace So Beautiful! – Ark Channel 14/05/2022 Saturday Luke 23a

… they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, who was coming from the country, and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus. (v26)

* We may be caught in misfortunes when we journey through life, like Simon was during his trip. Out of no reason he was forced to carry a cross of humiliation on his back. Despite that, he gained a glorious saviour in the end.

Luke 23:1-25

* In the natural world, trees will die of old age, wounds or diseases. But before their deaths, a number of trees will develop growth buds, and some will invest all the nutrients on their new buds to sustain the growth. Tree scientists discover that trees seem to cherish relationship more than human beings do. No wonder Christ uses different kinds of trees to explain life and truth!

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