About Resurrection – Sunday Hope 20/03/2022 Mark 12b
… I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. (v26)
* The poor widow offered God all she had. The word “poor” here describes the pathetic state of a beggar having none at all. This word appears 40 times in the New Testament. It is a playscript for us all. Loss of a spouse, loss of a loving relationship. Her life should have been one of speechless brokenness, yet the God-fearing widow gave out of her meagre strength. She knew the hope of resurrection. She knew all are living in God’s sight. She knew reunion would be close at hand!
* War set Europe ablaze. It is still raging. We pray for peace to come soon. Listen to this song with lyrics composed by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a martyr. Such True and Gentle Powers (lyrics in English, German and Chinese)
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