“Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.” – Ark Channel 10/03/2022 Thu Mark 7b
Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. (v.33)
* The Lord is the servant of life, through the most ordinary or things and materials, He can inspire and save those who hear His words.
* Hong Kong’s medical staff are facing extreme pressures. The brothers and sisters are on the frontlines saving patients, relying on God in difficult times. There is a newly graduated nurse who worked in the isolation wards for over a month, facing critically ill patients; in her fatigue she continues to pray, with the Lord’s grace giving her strength. Another doctor at the frontlines is always concerned about their patients, putting in their best… please pray for the medical personnel that you know, so that they experience peace out of this world. (self-help / help others). Good to read and to give out as a comfort to family and friends.
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