I Am Determined To Focus On HIM! Ark Channel 07/12/2021 Tue 2 John
Anyone who goes too far and does not remain in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who remains in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. (v9)
* Love others according to the truth. Discern true and false according to the truth!
In Christ, there is no believer who is on his own.
* The late Rev. Philip Yeung / 楊錫鏘牧師 in his book “Answering His Call” 「召命 – 以生命回應神的召喚」closed with : “It is a great honor to be a child of God, to be God’s own people and to enjoy such an intimate relationship. May we always listen carefully to the voice from heaven, recognise God’s plan, know our own name and live out our true self, be disciples of the Lord, and to hit the road happily, responding to God’s call with our entire life!”
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