Strive For Good Works Everyday!

Timothy 1 Add comments

Honor The Widows! Ark Channel 25/10/2021 Mon 1 Timothy 5

Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, and to the younger men as brothers, (v1)

* In God’s grand family, we have to care for every age group and different backgrounds. It is important to express sincere love and provide suitable advice. Advise and teach wisely and skilfully, cherishing every family member.

1Timothy 5

* Trip to Philadelphia to visit the Presbyterian (長老會) with 300 year history. Not long ago they experienced a storm and the basement of the church building was seriously flooded but the faithful saints worked together to restore it. I met an elderly couple. The wife, a Japanese-American, shared when she was five she was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. A black nurse took good care of her, prayed earnestly for her and she recovered miraculously. This was an unforgettable experience for the little girl and she grew up to be a disciple of the Lord without any racial discrimination ~James (to be continued)

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