Sow Bountifully, Reap Bountifully!

Corinthians 2 Add comments

Exceeding Grace of God in You! – Ark Channel 18/09/2021 Sat 2 Corinthians 9

while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. (v11)

The way to give our wealth:

* 8 types of abundance described by Paul: abundance of kindness, abundance of good work, abundance of seeds, abundance of fruits, abundance of thanksgiving, abundance of glory to God, leading to extra abundance of grace and praying! This is what church life should be!

2Corithians 9:1-15

* From the viewpoint of Old Testament theology, Rev Stephen Lee /李思敬博士offers a glimpse of the spirit-controlled temperament for the modern man: arkchannel sharing

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