Look At The Things Not Seen!

Corinthians 2 Add comments

Set Our Ambition To Please Him! Ark Channel 14/09/2021 Tue 2 Corinthians 5

Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God… (v5)

* This tent on earth will fade but God will give us an eternal heavenly home! This life and in eternity, we will be together with God. What we really need to fear is receiving the compensation before the judgment seat of Christ!

2Corithians 5:1-21

* Daniel desires to believe in Jesus. When I brought up the hope of eternal life, he brought me to his family cemetery. It was in a lovely surrounding and in the tranquility he listened attentively to half an hour of gospel, remembering in his heart. Afterwards, he invited an elder of the church to lead him in accepting Jesus as his Savior! Thanks be to God for Daniel’s appreciation of the authority of the coming life, to receive eternal life. Glory be to God! ~Bro. James (US)

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